May 10: 5 of Disks (Reversed)

This card is called Worry which doesn't strike you me a very friendly or happy-go-lucky card, but since the card is reversed I wonder if it represents the shadow side of what the card traditionally represents.
Here we have the upright pentacle as opposed to the upside down (when the card is upright). So, the energies of earth are being unleashed and put to use.
This card is Mercury in Taurus - showing that the mind is on material matters, but since the card is reversed, there are higher aspirations than just the mundane. The concern is material, yes, but the vision is higher.
Today wasn't a worrying day as I anticipated. I did have to do some financial negotiations, pay a bill I thought was taken care of, but I spent a vast amount of time working on the website and other detailed work, and I was feeling actually very grounded and ended up sleeping well through the evening into the early hours.
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