May 12: Three of Swords (reversed)

The Three of Swords is Sorrow.
As swords cards represents mental states, this card of the day represents the mind focusing on things that aren't right, aren't happy and aren't at peace. Saturn (restriction) is in Libra (harmony, peace) so there's a test here and it relates back to what mental images and ideas are held in the mind.
As the day unfolded I received an email from someone who had caused me anguish in the past. After a few emails allowing me to express how I felt to the person, it allowed for at least a temporary release of energy, but the more I looked at the relation of the days events to the Tarot card chosen for the day, I came to the conclusion that sometimes there is no resolution for things that have happened. The more we dwell and focus on the 'bad' stuff the more our mind plays it over, until it becomes engrained in our psyche.
The 3 of swords is a "memory" card according to what I experienced today - where we are in the PRESENT is our only control and power over what has happened in the "past" - (is it really i the past if we're harping on about it now, here, today).
So today was an eye-opener as I began to see how our minds holds us prisoner to people and events that have caused us harm and that, in reality, no one can harm us but our own minds and interpretations of events.
The card waes REVERSED which I see meant I could finally untangle from the cards meaning and come out with more of an awareness of what my mind was doing, and how it was feeding past problems.
Sorrow is sorrow, when things have soured, there is often nothing to do but to communicate it, and then move on - mentally, first. All else comes after your mind is freed.
NOTE: In the end, I received a total of 3 emails (3 of swords) from this person, (someone I used to share a lot of time with (Saturn in LIBRA) and I see swords cards can relate to the mind but also communications and messages.
That was very heartfelt and inspiring. Thank you. Although I feel that as a Cancer moon when we lose a love that we feel could be our only love, and since we associate love with security, also we cannot endure without security, so if we lose a love, it basically means we cannot survive or endure. So I admit as a Cancer moon that we are in true denial of letting go, especially for the lover whom we feel is irreplaceable. How should I deal with that?
As a Cancer Moon, true security can only be found internally, not sought in an outside thing or person. it's the feeling that person evokes that gives us a sense of safety, security. Finding new things to give a sense of continuing and continuance would help. And Cancer Moon just needs something or someone to care for and nurture - a pet, or a charitable cause.
I am a leo that was dating a virgo he broke up with me because he assume I was cheating big misunderstanding beacuse I lied to him but I didnt cheat he think I cheated because I thought he was cheating. I want him back he wants me too but is to afraid to love me again. we both pulled the 3 of swords (reversed) card today does this mean to just let this go and move on or give love one more try
Hi there,
I think it's more a case of squeezing the hurt out and finding forgiveness for each other and yourselves. Closed hearts are often represented by the 3 of swords reversed but I see it as a good sign. That you can now clear your chests and clear the air and be real with each other. Pain leads you closer and deeper.
If you're interested, I have Astrology Reports that cover compatibility in relationships as we as doing Personal Readings which would be a great help, the site is
Keep your hearts open!
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