May 13: The Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords is 'Futility'.
As Swords are mental states, here we feel put upon, our main ideas (central sword) attacked/contradicted/hounded/teased? by other small thoughts or ideas. Which will win out? Is the central thought correct? Is the central thought actually attracting the other thoughts?
I see this card as a 'magnet' - thoughts have wings and one main thought held strongly and long enough in the mind, can manifest as other thoughts that are "variations on a theme".
The card also shows the feelings of being hemmed in a specific thought - 'i should, but what if, I can't, but what then'. If you step out of one thought you have a whole host of other ones to contend with. Is it safer being stuck with the uncomfortable?
In traditional interpretations the 7 of Swords relates to thievery, lies, mental strategy and game-playing. I think whatever the case, it's all in the head as usual with swords, and the mental state is the main consideration here - if you're dishonest inside, you can hardly meet with honesty and integrity outside of yourself, right?
Perhaps futility is the name given here because no matter what one thinks, it's not the peace of the 6 of swords and a mind in a state of unrest begins to play games with itself and distract itself with 'niggling worries' to take away from its main pain.
Today started well but did deteriorate, with 'niggling worries'. I had to tell a white lie (of course i say i HAD to, but that's not true since there's always a choice. But the 'what if, should i, what then' began to draw other thoughts and problems in - my partner began to throw questions at me and ended up playing the cards energy out, instead of me! His line of questioning (the swords became the jury) made me feel il at ease - but only reflected my own questioning of myself - why question your own integrity if you make decisions based on how you feel?
Feelings and emotions are tricky to balance I see, so the Seven of Swords shows this lack of ease within ones own head. The seven of swords begins the analysing we're to see within the 8 of swords when it becomes too much for the head.
Seven is introspection but I think when it becomes too inner-directed (which is what our conversations were about today) we can begin to target ourselves and fall into victim patterns (the feeling of being robbed by ourselves of peace of mind).
I think it's good to ask with all swords suits - how can I get back to the Ace of Swords, and find peace of mind? What am I doing with my own mental energy that is causing the tension I see within the card?
So I learned today about the power of the mind and how one choice, if not taken boldly, turns you into the figure in the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck (he's sneaking away) and you become someone who sneaks around because you don't feel you can stand behind the choice or thought you have decided upon.
If you think it, it is valid.
If you feel it, it is valid.
I think in our race to be accepted, and understood, we end up leaving ourselves wide open to being questioned by ourselves and then others.
mental invasion of negative thoughts is a choice. I think the Seven of Swords today represented standing firm by my thoughts and choices. Decisions are personal and can only be judged (if at all) by the person making them. Outside sources become the other swords - a source of annoyance and distraction that drains our mental batteries.
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