May 14: Hierophant (Reversed)

The Hierophant is the first Major Card I've pulled so far. Looking at him, he represents a man of authority, who holds the 'keys' to something. He's wise - this card represents knowledge but also a structure and a set of 'rules' to obey.
There is so much structure to this card - take a look at the Taurus Bulls that litter the symbolism, this is the card relating to Taurus - the sign of building, security, roots, practicality. The color brown reinforces this.
There is a sort of quiet power in this card. If you want to get ahead, you need to go through a rite of passage. Certain behavior opens certain doors.
The figure could represent a doctor, lawyer, a priest, a counselor, or someone who has a vast understanding of a specific field. It could show you need to undergo an initiation of sorts. Perhaps you're seeking some specific answer to a question you have.
Today, I actually made a new connection - a man who was a wine collector and specialist so the understanding and knowledge was clearly reflected in this man's abilities. I experienced the Taurus side by getting back to Nature today - he drove us into the wilds of Los Angeles, passing horses (Moon was in Sag today, sign of horses) and into nature to graize a while.
We shared many conversations passing back and forth knowledge we both have and I see today this card represents not only the TEACHER but also the student. His Gemini Moon and my Sag moon of course reflected these polarities. Being a comfy day I was back in my body and more calm and grounded than usual, a clear reflectionof the Taurus energy within this card.
Since the card was reversed we both ended up taking about the 'rules' that others follow that aren't healthy or useful anymore. We talked about going against traditonal roots (reversed hierophant would demonstrate this clearly) and the fact he was an Aquarian and I have an Aquarius Mars backs this up). So this card reversed can often suggest going against how things have been done for years - even your own traditions and rules and following what your body mind and spirit are saying instead.
Breaking with tradition, history and the status quo may be what this card represents in its reversed position.
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