June 25: The Devil

The Devil is represented by Capricorn the Mountain Goat, and represents the things that 'bedevil' us. To live in reverse of nature is a 'sin' to our Higher Selves and our spirit and as Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn (representing limitation, separation and structure, the karma planet) Saturn was distorted to become Satan - the Devil himself. To live in reverse of course is evil - (live spelled backwards).
Saturn is seen in the ring at the top of the card (the ringed planet).
Pan was the lord of pleasure and he is seen in this card too - the Capricorn 'devil' is smiling - humor has a way of reconnecting us to our spirits once more. Are we trapped in something of our own doing? Are things getting too Capricorn/Saturn Serious??
Our man-made prisons are made obvious under this card - and the reminder to laugh things off.
Today I spent time hiking again with my Aries Sun Capricorn Moon friend. IN fact it was a very Capricorn themed day. My friend was a little down about relationship problems, being trapped in situations that aren't happy or healthy (and a little humor helped a lot today). My partner, Capricorn Rising, reminded me of the themes of time - and also I got into arguments relating to people not following up in time-frames they say they would.
Time is a prison to many in the physical realm.
Structure is great but when it comes stifling we need to break free (like the men in the caves at the bottom of the card). It was a high-sexual energy day - and of course this card represents a giant Phallus.
Seriousness is part of the Capricorn life but so also is humor. I think I hit a balance today.
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