June 18: Queen of Cups (Reversed)

The Queen of Cups personifies the mystery and enchantment of Water, or the emotional realm.
She is hidden behind a veil and is hardly rcognizable - can you see her? She reminds us that what is important is truly not seen by the eyes but must be felt.
Her association with two water signs is noticeable - the crayfish (cancer) crawls out of the cup she holds making the symbol of neptune - the ruler of the Oceans (water again) and the signs Pisces the Fish.
She is the emotional connector to the heart - to music, to inspiration, to the soothing sounds of the soul.
Today was a relaxing day - a drifting one by some standards, I slept early and I spent the better part of the am listening to Tori Amos's piano music, singing and generally spending most time in Right Brain mode, which is synonmyous with the message of the Queen of Cups who is all feelings and nothing to do with logic. That night I ended up having very lucid dreams. Reversed, I think it was without purpose, you can drift with cause and reason (upright) or you can take the other Pisces Fish direction and float where the stream will take you (reversed)...or could this be the other way around? Maybe we'll find out if it appears again.
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