May 30: Six of Cups

The Six of Cups is 'Pleasure'.
As 6 is the number of balance, peace and harmony and cups are emotions, this card reflects a deep emotional state of contentment and comfort. The copper cups are healing energy and the snakes within reflect the symbolism of this card which is the Sun in Scorpio - passionate depths, karmic attachments and pleasure (the name of the card).
The cards are arranged in a way that evokes the feeling of lightness, laughter, fun and that 'all is right in the world'. This card always makes me laugh, I don't know why, thats the feeling it evokes.
Traditionally it relates to memory, things from the past, childhood, so that would make a lot of sense in how this card is represented in layout, color and general 'vibe'.
The 'feel good factor' of the card came into play during the day but at two key points - hanging out with my Aries buddy (from the past) and talks of the past, to spending time with my Scorpio partner and talking about past relationships, days of youth and then a sense of peace and floating contentment that comes when you get into a depth conversation (scorpio depth) and then feel that everything is right and as it should be.
I think the main message of this card is that if you are willing to move through emotional loss and shifts (5 of cups the previous card in the deck) you can find Emtional Contentment = not exactly peace as it were really, but a space to feel at home inside of yourself.
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