June 16: Four of Disks

The Four of Disks is 'Power'.
Here we have the four disks transformed into the four towers of a castle - a sign of practical (disks) strength.
Disks are the material world and here the four is a sign of strength and power in this realm. 4 is a sign of practicality so this is a very earthy card - and represented in the astrological connection of the Sun in Capricorn.
Solid Foundations are essential for everything - even castles in the clouds, and this card is a reminder that for anything to last in the physical world, it has to obey physical laws. Roots. Walls.
Today, I was up early and it was no surprise to pull this card when I saw how much work i got done - organizing my site, picking up my Past Lives book to work on again, recording voice for my new lecture on Astrology, and laying a foundation for my projects. I was up at 4am and worked through til around middday. Later in the evening I got to spend time with Brian, my old Aries friend (who has a Capricorn Moon, the symbol of this card) and we ended being Capricorn Mountain Goats - hiking up at Griffith Park, and getting a little lost, but getting to see the entire city below at night. Amazing. Being back close to the Earth (symbol here) was needed and I felt very grounded sitting seeing the fat expanses of trees, greenery. Nature always, always soothes my soul and this trip out was a reminder of themost basic, healthy, necessary parts of my human life.
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