June 26 - The Fool (reversed)

The Fool card is the zero of the Tarot Deck - the energy before the first card. He represents New Beginnings but more than that, the Spirit behind form. He is energy, pure essence.
There are too numerous symbols to mention here but perhaps as the card reappears we can take a new one. The tiger biting him is a sign he does not know fear and nothing can hold him back. Energy like this is pure, simple, naive and wise.
Many Tarot decks show the fool about to step off a cliff, but not caring. He takes risks, without which there is no change in life and no gain.
Since the card is reversed for today I am unsure what to make of this. A new beginning that doesn't come to form? Wrapping things up? Preparing for a new cycle. I think the latter two make more sense to me at this stage. I'm not quite ready to experience the New Moon energy I feel a little behind in my business plan. However, today I worked out and got back on track with my body. Fear has little place in my life anymore, but the tiger is a reminder to me that I still allow things to bother me perhaps more than I should. Why? Because I care, and I am 100% real both with myself and others. Authentic. Honest. People know where they stand with me. I know where I stand with myself. How that can cause problems still beats me but I don't need all the answers.
The Fool Reversed is also a reminder to me to be spontaneous and fun. I had a fun day all in all, but a reminder I am moments away from a new beginning and I need to allow and embrace this.
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