July 10: FULL MOON - Nine of Swords

The Nine of Swords is 'Cruelty'.
Swords cards represent the function of the mind, intellect - states of mind. The layouts, symbols and designs of the Sword cards suggest the energy of the mind.
Here 9 swords are pointed down aligned as one giant arrow or sword itself. They seem incriminating, ready to pierce (again? aftr all they are dripping with blood from previous attacks).
Nine cards are about wrapping up and endings and since I drew this card to suggest my Full Moon focus (Full Moons are about endings) this card seems to be a message to wrap up negative thought patterns.
There are tears in the background or it could be sweat. Excess mental strain causes fatigue and perspiring and ultimately pain and tears.
Our mind creates all of what we engage in on an emotional level - for it is here that we decipher and analyze and put our own meaning on things. our minds created the word 'fuck' and our minds now condemn it for being something we should neither say, nor print, or screen on TV.
How crazy.
The card is MARS in GEMINI - Mars is applied focus and Gemini is communication. Are we communicating to others and ourself with hatred, envy, negativity. is our mind causing self pain or pain to others?
Are we using our mind as a weapon? Are our using WORDS as SWORDS?
This Full Moon period will be an interesting one - and I'll keep adding to this journal entry below, to show the themes and patterns that transpire during this period and how they are reflected in the card.
I will endeavor at this time to relinquish old worn out ways of thinking and speaking and move away from inflicting pain on self or others through the use of my intellect and communication abilities.
:-) Your Metaphor about the word Fuck is inspired. When i feel the need to curse i shall remember the invention of the word was for that purpose. FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!
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