June 28: Princess of Swords
The Prince
ss of Swords is a favorite card of mine. I'm not sure where it was that I worked out she was a personal card (relating to Numerology) but she is the one who Cuts through Moods.
She is AIR which represents the mind and intellect and its processes and she is also touching the toadstool of material reality - she can think high concepts but never loses her footing.
New ideas are brewing here, and the clouds of confusion ever lurk around, and she is cutting through with her sword (another tarot symbol for AIR). Her wings are spread in the 4 directions showing she is balancing the elements and the green and yellow are material and mental colors.
I love how the card shows her as fearless. If this is an energy then it is focused clearly on mantaining a clear mind, wiping away mental cobwebs and staying true to who we are.
Mental scratched records need smashing. It's time to do a head-spring-clean.
Today I stayed up all through the night and day til lunchtime and then crashed and slept through - by choice. I needed to switch my head off so I think the cloud-cutting here was just unplugging from the computer and mental work - I tend to think a LOT. So it was a cleansing time. My card represented getting back to myself and a reminder to keep moods and negative thinking at bay. News (as the Princess relates to that) : Chicago radio wants me to be involved in their new podcasting - for two shows a month. Air is communication so NEW IDEAS is what I see this card representing here.

She is AIR which represents the mind and intellect and its processes and she is also touching the toadstool of material reality - she can think high concepts but never loses her footing.
New ideas are brewing here, and the clouds of confusion ever lurk around, and she is cutting through with her sword (another tarot symbol for AIR). Her wings are spread in the 4 directions showing she is balancing the elements and the green and yellow are material and mental colors.
I love how the card shows her as fearless. If this is an energy then it is focused clearly on mantaining a clear mind, wiping away mental cobwebs and staying true to who we are.
Mental scratched records need smashing. It's time to do a head-spring-clean.
Today I stayed up all through the night and day til lunchtime and then crashed and slept through - by choice. I needed to switch my head off so I think the cloud-cutting here was just unplugging from the computer and mental work - I tend to think a LOT. So it was a cleansing time. My card represented getting back to myself and a reminder to keep moods and negative thinking at bay. News (as the Princess relates to that) : Chicago radio wants me to be involved in their new podcasting - for two shows a month. Air is communication so NEW IDEAS is what I see this card representing here.
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