Saturday, August 26, 2006

First card after a departure...

Tonight I am pulling a new card to get back on track and continue this Journal.

I am using my first deck right now, the Rider-Waite I was given when I was 16, a birthday gift from my brother.

The card I pulled was The Ace of Pentacles which I overjoyed to see. As the initial card in the pentacle deck it deals with PHYSICALITY. A giant coin is held above an open door. New health, new work, new money, new grounding.

perfect - in that I just completed my 1.5 day fast. A new resolve is arriving and a new job offer (I've been contacting quite a few people) and today I started a new book.

manifestation - that is how I view this card. A new start, a new journal entry (and a fresh beginning here, along with a new start after I cleaned up my diet.

This is trhe start of a new road, I just have to walk through the door. A most promising launch to this new chapter of the Journal and my path.


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