Sunday, August 27, 2006

Knight of Wands Reversed (Aug 27)

For the late evening I'm kept company by the Knight of Wands - a guy who carries the fire energy on his suit, his helmet, leaving a trail of fire behind him. He moved forward, strong-willed with a mission, his growth seen in the wand growing leaves.

However, this evening he is reversed. He reflect, I realize, my own lack of openness with regards anger and aggression, after an argument with my partner this weekend. I have been practicing self-control which is a clear sign of this card reversed, but I don't think that's a less-healthy way to channel aggression. I just don't see the point in blasting it all out in the open at this point.

Going somewhere helped - i went on errands earlier which tapped into my Sag Moon again. I think reversed it's a 'running in circles' or 'nowhere to go' trapped (or contained) energy which I am feeling, since I haven't been anywhere this whole weekend until tonight

I do need more fun and enjoyment in my life (as Saturn conjoined Venus in leo it's been a tough weekend for enjoyment).


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