March 27: Ten of Pentacles

The Wealth Card.
Funny, since I've been focusing and manifesting a lot more abundance in my life. Money. Business. Goods. Nice things. Comfort. Enjoyment. All the things of the earthy Pentacles Suit. Or Coins as they are also known.
The Ten of pentacles was the card J and I drew as a map to show where we'd be moving and how it would all wind up, as far as living conditions go. We saw it as a secure place, the two of us together.
Tonight I drew it after an interesting day or twists and turns and here we go - a reminder of the long run of the path. Are we walled up together, or secure in our own individualities, yet part of a 'together' thing. As a free spirit I often wonder why I'm in a relationship but I remember that limits create freedom, and a relationship is a backdrop, a mirror in which we see ourselves.
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