Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Nov 1: All Saints Day: Knight of Wands (reversed)

Energy, will and action - all being directed - where?

Reversed this card seems to reflect my feeling an abundance of creative and sexual energy but not knowing ho w to channel it all. I am going to hit the gym tonight and go tanning too (fire, heat, wands!). I think anger aggression and passion are here but without a direction. It seems to follow with the Chariot reversed.

Questions to Answer: How are you growing and developing?

I'm learning a lot about the application of will, and focusing energy. Still tough but I am seeing it drives everything I do and all frustration stems from misplaced focus/passion/energy/desire.

How are you taking risks?

I'm not. And herein lies my current challenge. I am sure this is to become a major theme (jupiter is conj my ascendant right now)

Who is radiating creative or sexual energy in your life?

I'm radiating it, but not letting it fully be expressed. I am going to work on this more - a book The Multiorgasmic male is a book i was told about last night, about rechanneling sexual energy into creative work.

Who enthusiastically wants to get going on something?

I do but my partner is also giving a lot of creative energy right now. So we both represent this card - and the challenges of trying to apply creative energy in a direction towards our goas and purpose and passions instead of just running in circles.


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