Nov 1: Advice: Four of Swords

A perfect fit for how i feel, really. Swords - my conflicts are mainly mental but so are the resolutions. It all begins and ends in the mind.
Laying conflict to rest - a 4, the number of rest, contentment, foundations and stability. Swords - states of mind.
I need to chill out.
This is the rest card, and I have been thinking I need to pull back from all activity and go within. I even have thought about going back to my past life expressions of being in a monastary. How fitting with this picture of a man in a sort of tomb like place, a religious energy and a spiritual retreat of sorts.
I think conflict will always be with me (lying on the sword and the ones above forcing me down or at least facing down on me) but in the fact of conflict this figure remains serene. I learned a while back that the fingers in that position is for recharing your body. This is what I need now. Mediation, mental retreat or at least re-evaluation. I need to learn to harness my mind and know that conflict isn't a problem at ALL and that in the fact of it all what my mind does is more important,
In the race to find and be balanced I have forgotten that instability gives rise to the creative dyanamic energy that is my greatest strength.
The card is known as TRUCE. Funny, since I just came out of a period of intense conflict on the relationship front, again as inner demons create outside problems. The truce-making process is a four fold process that's experienced on all four levels of consciousness, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical (the four swords). Truce is an opportunity to move through conflictual issues. In order for conflict resolution to be successful, there are four peaceful principles that come from native tradition which is referred to as the four-fold way. In order for truce to be truly experienced, one must show up, pay attention, tell the truth, and not be attached to the outcome. The results of this is renewal and regeneration.
Each card I am realizing is an opportunity - here, there is the opportunity for the restoration of peace, by calling a truce on all levels of my being, beginning in my mind. An opportunity to rest, recuperate, to begin meditation again and continue on a more balanced mental approach to everything, and to feel no hurry or pressure.
Questions to Answer: From what do you need to rest or retreat?
My usual high level of mental energy and sexual energy. Computer time should be limited again since I am finding too much time spent here.
Where do you need to focus your energies in order to recuperate your strength?
Meditation, reading, resting, more nature time (need to map out local park and hiking trails).
What can you do to gain a better perspective and be fair and just in this situation?
Back off, time out, switch off, perhaps write more lists to follow.
What kind of professional assistance would help most?
Therapy? lol. Actually I realize time outs help a lot. To "love it all, even the parts that you don't love". Wise words.
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