Overall Card for 2007 - Page of Cups

My card of the Year to sum everything up is: the Page of Cups.
I think this card really sum sup Pisces energy. Sensitive, soft, flowing. The water on his head shows that emotions this year continue to move me ahead. But I can handle it. There is my true Piscean nature being brought to the surface for all to see (fish emerging) the red rose of love and sexual expression (another creative force).
The power of my emotions, feeling nature, self expression are all that matters this year. The power of my feeling can move any situation (water wearing away the rocks of challenges).
The look on his face is one of contemplation again - so most of this year will be about continually going inside to my 'sacred chamber' or 'inner library' each day to see what's happening for the day and what I want to create. I think I'll do that this year, check inside each morning and check the transits of the day to outline what my calendar will be (instead of trying to force myself into a 9 - 5 routine). Funny how i never wantd that and now i try to force it upon myself.
This year, it is about poetry, soul-expression and bringing out my true essence. Cups are emotions and Pages are new beginnings the first energy of the suit. Messages. New reasons to be excited. Births. Good news.
- Be Emotional
- be moved or touched
let your feelings show
respond to beauty
be sentimental or romantic
shed your detachment
let your heart lead the way - Be Intuitive
- receive guidance from within
act on a hunch
remember your dreams
have a psychic experience
experience direct knowing
trust your gut reaction - Be Intimate
- start or renew a love affair
meet someone you're attracted to
get closer to someone
go beyond formalities
have a special moment of togetherness
solidify a friendship
share something personal - Be Loving
- make a thoughtful gesture
express sympathy and understanding
forgive yourself
forgive someone who has hurt you
apologize to someone you have hurt
reach out and touch someone
mend a broken relationship
brighten someone's day
respond with caring rather than anger
refuse to judge or condemn

Page of Cups - You will receive an offer of help and cooperation; energy which has moved through possessiveness, manipulation and jealousy and mastered the capacity to offer emotional loyalty to others in objective ways. A gentle, quiet person - emotionally secure and able to communicate feelings, desires and concerns in realistic and meaningful ways. Unencumbered by the conflict with responsibility or sensual desire - contemplation and fantasy are in proper balance.
The development of wonderful ideas and psychic abilities through meditation and study, developed in a peaceful way. An important messages will be arriving soon - be ready to start a new project. Continually express your feelings - purify yourself emotionally. You get rid of unwanted feelings by expressing them. "Feel" the ecstatic renewal of your heart and spirit by revealing your deepest emotions.
Emotional, sensitive, creative, emotionally resourceful, loyal, tender, affectionate. Emotionally dependent on others, sentimental, ruled by the drive for the transformation. Drive and the forces of change is instinctive, passive as the growth of a child is automatic. Good emotional feel for things, active subconscious, wide range of emotions, exaggeration - emotionally playful, light-hearted, emotional innocence, purity. Appropriate naivety in emotional/creative affairs. Lack of emotional/sexual experience. The transformation side of things emotional and represents new emotional opportunities, situations, events and guides. Learning lessons directly from emotional interaction. Emotional renewal, emotional news (happenings with people). Here is the fountain of emotional youth which keeps our hearts from aging just as the fountain of influence under the Page of Pentacles serves to keep our bodies young.
Questions to Answer: Who depends on you emotionally? What does your intuition say to do? How can you serve others? Who offers unqualified, non-judgmental love?
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