Card Three: Knight of Cups

Third House: Knight of Cups
Collecting emotional information from the surroundings. Emotional knowledge. Emotions injected into words and thought and therefore movement. The moving of feeling. A forward progression using emotions as a driving force and fuel.
Thoughts have wings (helmet) and emotions are the grounding force since this is still a water card. What emotions are driving my ideas?
Written work progresses, emotional investment moves it forward. Great for my books and writing in general. An offer of further radio, magazine work. Travel in connection with work (I'm going to Santa Barbara for a Reading with a New York Author, after a successful reading here in LA of her work, entitled Sex Scenes).
Heart and Head connected. Water + Air in the House of Air. Do feelings cloud rational communication? Am I airing my feelings? Sounds like the conflict in ym birth chart between Mercury and the Moon which I forgot about until now. Maybe it's time to look at that. Mercury in Pisces square the Moon in Sagittarius. Thinking before speaking, and feeling before thinking? Or using words now for something useful (Sag publishing) instead of venting off air for no reason. USE words and emotionally powerful ones for a reason now. To further knowledge, books, information. A great year for this for my communication reach. I'm going places with my mouth, mind and words.
Collecting or being given more pieces of the jigsaw. Collecting things - emotional imprints on what I want and need. And being able to keep these in mind. What do I want, What Do I need, What Do I feel? Ask these often this year.
Communicating with my unconscious more ( I started a Dream Journal a few days ago!) and keeping tabs on my emotional energy and where my thoughts are (inject more feeling into my thoughts for ultimate success!)
- Romantic.....Overemotional
- idealizes love..........lacks self-restraint
emphasizes often jealous
concentrates on the poetry of life..........tends to be gushy and melodramatic
remembers special occasions..........blows hot and cold in affections
expresses sentiments beautifully..........brings flowers, but forgets to put gas in the car - Imaginative..........Fanciful
- can tap the fertile unconscious..........indulges in idle daydreams
looks beyond the obvious..........has big ideas that come to nothing
never takes the mundane path..........has an unrealistic approach
spins marvelous tales..........has an overactive imagination
is visionary..........can shade the truth - Sensitive..........Temperamental
- is aware of moods and prone to mood swings
helps others open up..........can be petulant and sulky
responds deeply to life..........gels melancholy and depressed
understands the pains of others..........broods excessively
is tactful and diplomatic..........takes offense easily - Refined..........Over-refined
- appreciates beauty in all forms..........leaves dirty work to others
seeks the finest..........can't face unpleasantness
creates a pleasing environment..........lacks robust good health
understands subtlety..........emphasizes style over substance
is suave and gracious..........gets overwhelmed by pressure - Introspective..........Introverted
- values the inner life..........focuses inward to excess
tries to understand why..........avoids active participation
questions driven to self-examination
seeks self-improvement..........exaggerates personal failings
sees below the surface..........can't relax around others
Direct your imagination into the world - true imagination feeds on "action." If you do nothing with your dreams - they will remain vague and unrelated to the rest of your life. Your imagination can lead you to an awareness of the underlying spiritual truth. Maintain your emotional equilibrium - make constant adjustments - flow with the direction being presented and retain your "inner" control. Take advantage of your emotional energies - be open and trust yourself. Explore your deep feelings and you will experience the ecstasy of living.
"Fantasy" - excites, but it lacks any real meaning as you deny your basic commitment to the world and your imagination produces nothing. "Passiveness" can be a means of denying the temptations and desires that are disturbing your peace. The "lover" who does not wish to commit to anything - who is attractive yet always remains passive and withdrawn. Follow a genuine vision, rather than being "pulled" by outside commitments, responsibility or desire - then you can go very deeply into yourself and turn your energy into an exploration of your own inner world.
Emotional, sensitive, creative, dedicated, motivated, sensual, tender - a loving person ruled by the drive for expansion. Close ties with family and friends - a defender of heart and honor. The heart of the group, a leader or volunteer. Art. Emotional change agent - nurturing, emotional learning and growth. The younger lover of an older partner or someone taken under the wing of an emotional advisor. Innocence maturing - a student of romance. Sacrificing for someone or something else.
Questions to Answer: What dream, vision, ideal or love are you following? Who is inviting you on a journey of emotional significance?
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