Card Ten: 8 of swords

Tenth House: 8 of Swords
This was the card I drew on Jan 1 for the rest of the year for Pisces. Funny how it falls now in my 10th house of career and achievement, Pluto in Pisces 10th house retrograding now shows more power/career energies at play this year.
So many options, are my hands tied or am I THINKING it's stressful when it's not, because i won't open my eyes and look at the options. There's always a back door and a way out (no sword behind her) and it's not a prison, it's just mentally doing too much or being too abstract or turning back on established security (castle).
Red is passion, so don't let aggressive side get in the way of clarity of mind. Career advancement and public life now is not so much OUT THERE but IN HERE and its about the mind and information and "looking within"/ Stop looking outside for manifestation this year, and career change, it's about how I think on the inside (mixed with feeling, the red robes).
Mental energies are the way ahead this year, true focus. Eyes on the prize. The tower looms over my head, so I'm already at the top it's not about the climb but being mentally at peace with every step of the journey. Showing (over head) strength and structure. Thinking on my feet.
Could be mentally tied up with so many ideas and projects but it's about keeping a clear and clean head. Focusing on what is being built and the final structure. Let nothing else come to mind but the final structure. The final manifestation and feeling of achievement and peace, mental harmony.
8 is power - and swords are thought. MIND POWER manifests career and public success.
- feeling restricted
- being fenced in by obstacles
staying in a limited situation
feeling trapped by circumstances
experiencing few options
being blind to freedom
feeling persecuted - feeling confused
- being unsure which way to turn
feeling at a loss
lacking direction
feeling overwhelmed
floundering around
needing guidance and clarity
not understanding what is happening - feeling powerless
- waiting for outside rescue
doubting anything you do will help
avoiding responsibility
looking for a white knight
feeling victimized
accepting inaction
You are not being held back by direct force, but by your training - this belief in your own helplessness and your blind acceptance of what you have been taught. The recognition of your ignorance is the first step to true knowledge - without enlightenment you will never be able to say "this is the truth, this is the way things really are". Recognize now that nothing prevents you from leaving - you are bound only by your own "illusions".
Balance your mind. Use your creativity and imagination and your logic and reason in equal proportions. Integrate these opposite poles of consciousness. Structure your creative visions into meaningful order of thought and action. See both sides and seek out the common points - bring the opposition together and you will find your genius.
The objective, conscious mind reaches the limits of the lower "ego", which under the impact and pull of the higher emotions and compassion - realizes that to achieve even its most personal and self-oriented goals it must advance to a more mature "Ego" which encompasses more of the Universal Mind. The mind has opened to include extensions of the personal self with a mate and children and a widening circle of close friends. Now the circle must open even further. A variety of new challenges are presented with increased demands from your mental Karmic Contract. Your first reaction is to close your eyes to the magnitude of the tasks. Greater responsibility. The mind's role in organizing is challenged by the higher order of consciousness realized as the higher emotions' compassion and universal love bring new sensations, new data that defies rationalization. To rationalize this new process is precisely what the mind must do. With this greater ability to see the extent of order in the above, so grows the ability to see the extent of disorder in the below. The effect of the combination of the lower mental levels. Creative fruitation and self-assured expression in which the lower ego is pulsing with its potential and must pair with the maturing process of uncertainty and freedom that undergirds free will.
Questions to Answer: What actions, plans or ideas are being blocked by circumstances beyond your control? What would you like to do if you could get rid of the obstacles and blocks? Who or what could assist you to break free? What benefits do you receive by not acting? What is interfering with your creative expressions? Or your ability to communicate?
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