Card Five: 10 of Wands

Fifth House: The 10 of Wands
An abundance of creative projects this year. Wands are energy inspiration, fire-power, initiation. And here we could suffer burnout if there isn't a clear direction. Where's it all leading? I get the impression I may not know for the long haul this year but the long haul is all that matters. A lot on my hands, project wise (5th house is about creativity). A lot of fun but it may not seem so at times because I'm too focused on what I'm creating. Get a bigger picture.
The ten is the peak, the final card of the suit. So there's the final chapter of a long awaited or long worked for project.
Suitors are widespread - since the 5th is love relationships, dates, fun times. Can I have fun or am i so consumed with what I'm creating? Will the creations take over?
Playing and the joy of creating must not be squashed by the very act of creation this year. Remember the direction and enjoy the journey. Don't block your light by trying to show off too much of what you can do. Giving matters more than 'are they receiving?'. Receiving isn't your job now, it's to give all of who you are.
- overextending
- trying to do too much
refusing to say "no"
taking all the blame
assuming another's debt
doing the lion's share
having to work overtime
shouldering all the work
being saddled with an extra load - feeling burdened
- never having time to relax
feeling tied to a treadmill
being taxed to the limit
assuming responsibility
being held accountable
carrying out an unpleasant duty
cleaning up a messy situation
being left holding the bag - struggling
- fighting uphill
doing everything the hard way
experiencing resistance
pushing against the current
having to work for every gain
finding that nothing comes easily
Has your eagerness to please others involved you in so many situations that your energy is weighed down with commitments and problems? Do you want to be free to travel, to seek adventure and new involvements - yet find yourself caught in an endless circle of responsibilities - family, financial and work? Do you take on all the total weight of your relationships - always trying to smooth whatever problems, conflicts or dissatisfactions arise - actually struggling to keep a relationship going while the other person is not even aware of what is happening?
You have created these situations yourself - by acting without thinking or taking on a new problem simply for the challenge. In practical or emotional affairs - other approaches are possible - recognize now that these burdens can be avoided. Consider now if your burdens are real or if they are serving as an excuse to avoid doing something really constructive with your life - such as allowing yourself to break away from a bad situation?
Begin to stretch the limits and boundaries you have placed on yourself - extend yourself. Confront your fear of success and begin to move forward and grow. Experience the unfamiliar and grow in understanding. See with greater clarity your subconscious fears, your intuitive wisdom and your personal power. Teach yourself to be at home anywhere; to be versatile, adaptable and flexible.
The completion of a major spiritual cycle, with outcomes as God would have them. The ultimate extension of the self in the Spiritual Plane. The merging of God within (self-will/man's will) with the god without (God's will). Hard work and so correctly communicates the paradox of spiritual fulfillment as more work, more responsibility - not less. Our path leads ever to more work, but we are ever more capable of handling it. Things get both harder and easier. Duality - the completion of one cycle is merely the preparation for the next even greater task. A knowing relationship with the Divine, a hands-on working knowledge of the endless cycle of underlying ultimate truths. The soul in control - a spiritual master in the making. Not only do we have the wisdom which is the ability to manage knowledge, here is the Wisdom which is the ability to manage spirit. Spiritual longevity, individual spirit identified with universal spirit - a dedicated life to whom much is given and much is required. Wisdom.
Questions to Answer: What responsibilities are weighing heavily on your shoulders? What are you feeling burdened with? What is your goal? When will you get there? Who or what is restricting you and keeping you from manifesting your full radiant energy? Why have you taken on these responsibilities? How can you best use your powers and energies?
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