Card Six: Knight of Rods

Knights are energy in motion, directed, with a purpose. Here it's firepower again, initiation, activation. Fueled into the 6th house of work, health, job and service.
Health: conquering new land. Strength. Trying new approaches. Heating up if stressed, fever, headache etc (dragon on the head). being hot-heated leads to this. Cool down, get outside more - more sunshine.
Job: New projects, self employment, taking the lead. New avenues, lot of energy directed into this. In command! Could be working alongside strong fire energy, a Leo or Sag perhaps. It's bright, energetic and fun. No need to fight, or prove, just enjoy the leadership you already have and contain.
Yellow is mental power - so activating mind with movement. Doing it and thinking about it, same time. Fwd movement in this. Progress in purpose.
- Charming..........Superficial
- is physically attractive..........focuses on style and appearance
disarms opposition with a smile..........can be thoughtless and insensitive
is sexy and seductive..........pursues sexual conquests
generates glamour and excitement..........avoids deep or serious matters
is honey-tongued..........may say or do what's expedient - Self-confident..........Cocky
- totally lacks self-doubt..........overestimates abilities
has a can-do attitude..........may boast and brag
is convinced of his or her talent..........exaggerates accomplishments
is self-assured at all brash and nervy
doesn't sweat the small sometimes presumptuous - Daring..........Foolhardy
- will risk anything without reckless and rash
will tackle what others avoid..........will endanger self and others
is the first to volunteer for danger..........doesn't give danger due respect
loves being a impetuous
boldly goes where no one has gone a daredevil - Adventurous..........Restless
- loves travel and new never content to be still
seeks novelty and change..........can't set down roots or make ties
makes things happen..........lacks inner peace and serenity
rises to every challenge..........won't stop to smell the roses
is footloose and fancy-free..........must have constant stimulation - Passionate..........Hot-tempered
- is easily roused to action..........angers easily
feels strong too ready for a fight
feels everything powerfully..........lashes out when riled
takes a vocal stand..........often acts without thinking
jumps in with both feet.........may have a chip on his or her shoulder
Expect someone to present thoughts or ideas which will be advantageous to you - inspiring your creativity and taking you in new directions. This is the start or finish of an important situation which may require a possible change of residence. You will feel compelled to make sudden decisions related to the important aspects of your living and working conditions - to move in new directions, to create a new beginning or venture into new fields. Thoughts are now stirring. You have the power to influence and transform, to heal - liberate your spirit. As a channel for the great spirit, you become enlightened and an enlightener - transcend your personal ego.
Eagerness, action, movement, adventure and travel need a grounding influence. Allied with a sense of purpose and aided by the influence of planning - you can provide the energy and self- confidence necessary for great achievements. Focus your mind now - concentrate, pay attention to the details if you wish to manifest your desires. The trials and difficulties will demand vigorous attention - conflict can arise if your plans are not made carefully. Your mind is positive and alert now, use it constructively.
Intuitive, spiritual, vibrant, fiery, introspective, humorous - a defender of ideologies. Change agent for beliefs. Benevolent, dedicated - a natural leader. Student of religion, enlightenment and intellectual growth. New world views coupled with intuitive action - a disciple.
Questions to Answer: How are you growing and developing? How are you taking risks? Who is radiating creative or sexual energy in your life? Who enthusiastically wants to get going on something?
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