May 17 : Seven of Cups (Reversed)

The water of emotions has become stagnant, something's not working. Overindulgence sets in, and too much of a good thing can turn one sickly. Something sticky need untangling from.
The energy of this card is pretty obvious from first glance but the meaning goes deeper. The love (Venus) of depth, intrigue and taboos (Scorpio) can take over if we're not careful, and base instincts become our major value or love (Venus).
An emotional clearing or cleaning needs to take place with this card - are we suppressing something by indulging in sex, music, TV, sleep, food, sugar, smoking, drugs - there are many ways t overindulge.
I see this as the fantasy card too - it's not to do with reality - the emotions are all over the place - this is the hangover card, the feeling of floating and having no grounding. Possibilities exist but it's pie-in-the-sky and nothing grounded, no roots and nothing to hang your hat on.
Today wasn't an overindulgence day, though my focus on sexual energy was time-consuming and wasteful in many ways (what's new there - since my Lower Chakra seems to spin with a fierce abandon these days...without me even wearing red..) Yes I ate chocolate but not an amazing amount, but I guess mostly it was a drifty, dreamy day and not much grounding.
I tried the gym but i ended up changing the routine because I overdid it (i guess overextension fits the message of the card). Venus in Scorpio - I did enjoy a heart to heart and a depth conversation with my partner on sexual energy and re-channeling energy, moving energy which would be Scorpio related. All in all I see an emotional and physical cleansing and cleaning in the works, I guess this card allowed me to take a time out, and to go to the gym, do two machines and then say 'screw it, this isn't working, let's flow on elsewhere' and leave.
All in all, a low-key drifting day, a dreamy quality very like the symbol. Perhaps I'll understand more of the reversed relevance in time.
As for the 'sick' aspect to this card - the cats vomited twice on the carpet today - someone once mentioned the 'vomit' feel to this card, so this made me smile.
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