My Solar Return Birthday Reading: 12 Card Spread

This Reading took place on my Solar Return, March 12. It is the Horoscope Spread, using the 12 Houses of the Birth Chart to outline what's happening. I won't give a breakdown of the 12 houses (for your interest you can find this under a search engine, under the 12 houses of astrology).
it's a Spread you may find useful yourself. This is a map so I can outline how the next 12 months may be and what challenges, themes and symbols may present themselves, and, so I can look back and see my progress.
March 12 2007 - March 12 2008
Card 1: First House: 6 Wands
Six is a number of balance, peace and harmony which bodes well. Wands are fire, energy, initiation, action. So this would signify balance action. The guy sits upright on his horse, alert, watchful. There may be movement, there's certainly success (laurel wreath). Completion. Conquest. He's a warrior (helmet) and bears no scars that we can tell. maybe he claimed (or restored) peace? There's satisfaction here. In the First House it shows a strong constitution. Resolve to succeed and keep on progressing. Willingness to do battle. Standing strong. Letting myself be carried yet being firm in my resolve. Celebrating success. Realizing there is only so much success in any battle, because battles create division and one side must lose. Is that win-win? Personal success guaranteed, and hopefully personal fulfillment will be considered part of that success.
- triumphing
- having your day in the sun
being vindicated
walking away with the prize
prevailing against all comers
coming out on top
achieving success - receiving acclaim
- being acknowledged
getting a pat on the back
receiving an award or citation
getting praise or a compliment
earning applause
achieving recognition - feeling pride
- enjoying healthy self-esteem
strutting your stuff
holding your head up high
feeling worthy of notice
having a high opinion of yourself
putting yourself above others
being arrogant
feeling self-important
Success comes from working with others to achieve a goal. You will experience the settlement of difficulties and disputes - you have the ability to persuade, influence and counsel and from your struggle to develop your ideas there will emerge a dominant theme and a leader. Trust your instincts and intuitions - not everyone or everything is trustworthy. Approach everything in a state of open trust. You will "feel" when something is not right - trust that.
A leader can accomplish nothing without the support and backing of followers - relationships must be reciprocal if they are to succeed. You gain your self-confidence and pride from creatively solving a problem and when your work is recognized, you feel elevated above those around you. Never allow this "pride" to get in the way of your success - it will upset and delay goals and cause you to forget where you came from and those who helped you get where you are. Recognize this opposition - know that you have the wisdom to overcome it. In making your choices, consider whether you act out of love, which takes you to freedom through understanding or out of fear which takes you to guilt and bondage. When you have skills or influence that can assist others, you have a responsibility to be of service to them, using your abilities to bring victory to all concerned.
Shift your emphasis from your problems to your joys - from defensiveness to optimism - become unified with the spirit. Trust your love, your light, your beauty and your richness. Assume victory and your optimism will produce the very success it desires and expects. It requires only a true belief in yourself to find the energy to accomplish what you want and such a belief will inspire others to follow you. Believe in life and give that gift to those around you. Live and let live and everything will work out for the best.
Here are spiritual movement and externalization. A sense of mission. As with the other Sixes there is a noticeable shift of emphasis from the self as a very independent self, albeit on the spiritual path, to a sense of self that fundamentally includes others, and is included by others. Your individual path recognizes its parallel group path. Two-way communication is vital, as you balance spiritual give and take. Helen Keller, blind and deaf from the age of two, by overcoming her disabilities, was able to convey to us how truly alone we are when we cannot share our thoughts or feelings. Your ability to share is intrinsic to your knowledge of God. Ironically, you can come to know God more quickly, with a sense of the other, through the other, than through the self. The information you need for your path will come more quickly now as you have access to the additional sources of others with which you have joined. Evidence of progress is seen in the appreciation by others, and the effects of your good example and reaching. Further evidence is offered by: Spiritual recognition. Moral victories. Promotions. Rewards. Credit for something done right. There is a need to pause for recognition and to accept energy from others, or to offer recognition and energy to others. Goals and progress are validated.
Questions to Answer: What positions of leadership and responsibility have you taken on? What is your relationship with your fellow workers? What has been resolved through your actions? What do you feel confident about? What kind of leadership do others need from you?
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