Card Two: The Moon

Second House: The Moon
Interesting in that the Moon appears in my Astrological Solar Return Chart for the year ahead also in my Second House. Odds of that are pretty amazing (78 cards, around 10 planetary placements and 12 houses). So a pretty great sign of change here in this house. The Moon here shows emotions connected to finance. Ideas from the unconscious bring money. Also fear of course. Harnessing the unconscious realms, the savage wolf and the tamed dog of my nature. Its a union of body-mind-soul here. They all face the Moon, so I need to look to my feelings to feel secure, grounded and from there find abundance. Comfort = wealth! Find that feeling first and the money will follow. Towering strength (the towers) and building to the Moon (putting a man on the financial moon this year). Buying a home, since Moon is home. Investing in my emotional well-being and my domestic den and comfort. Nice. I need this. And I can have it, here where comfort and grounding meet my emotional watery realm.
Met needs create security and a feeling of well-being which creates wealth. Therefore wealth must come from a feeling of well-being, based on meeting security needs. Work from the inside out this year, financially. Look to the heart and soul and build on that, first. The money and security and self-worth and satisfaction will follow.
Water and money are lucky - work by the ocean, when it's raining, or else the financial tides are coming in, in my favor. Beautiful.
- feeling fear
- releasing inner demons
feeling a nameless apprehension
suffering from phobias
giving in to the shadow self
lacking courage
being overcome by anxieties - believing illusions
- accepting a false picture
deceiving yourself
having unrealistic ideas
misapprehending the truth
experiencing distortions
chasing after a fantasy - stimulating the imagination
- having vivid dreams or visions
opening to fantasy
plumbing the unconscious
entertaining unusual thoughts
being outlandish and bizarre - feeling bewildered
- losing direction and purpose
having trouble thinking clearly
becoming confused
being easily distracted
feeling disoriented
wandering aimlessly
Your unconscious, instead of shocking your intelligence - allies itself with it. In the beginning, your unconscious and your intelligence have so little in common that communication is entirely through "dreams" - the state of consciousness where intelligence remains passive. This communication is extended to the waking state and finally, no longer unconscious - your intelligence and wisdom unite in the conscious state of "intuition". Organization and sleep are the keys. During sleep - waste is eliminated and your hopes and wishes are built.
There is great activity and intense emotion now - your subconscious is actively creating sensitivity - be alert to any possible deception. Never use your powers negatively - go deep within and seek peace. Your dream landscape is formed by your emotions - use this unconscious state for your conscious purpose - it is an efficient, natural therapy in which your physical body-building takes place. Here you work out your own destiny, by exploring probable actions - which become false when not actualized. Move through the distortions and fears into the light of truth. Be changeable, allow yourself to "flow" with the different phases of life.
Your "conscience" is the direct communication between your intelligence and higher wisdom. Conscience manifests as a "warning" - expressing disapproval of an action before it is executed and remorse for an action already committed. Conscience also manifests itself as an "impulse" - recommending an action before it is executed and producing serene joy after execution. Conscience is the door to an "inner" world far more profound than the world you perceive with your senses - it is the decision of your intelligence to become a servant of your conscience.
Complete "silence" of your intelligence, imagination and will can not be accomplished by your human will - it is accomplished only through Divine presence. It is the mutual love between the soul and God. "Knowing better" is the state of consciousness which is present once you have reviewed all your total efforts and the results obtained from those efforts. Recognize now that you are only playing around on the surface of things - behind the surface is a tremendous organization that is very much alive and "active" and you are allowed to participate in your dreams and meditations. What you wish to be is your responsibility - an artist must concentrate. You must decide what it is you want to be and then your meditation will help you discover what is and what is not true about yourself, for it puts you in touch with your Innermost Self - which is your guide. Your imagination - once accepted, enriches your life and allows a calming peace to emerge. Look deeply into yourself - your imagination can distort - it is a reflection of your "inner" experience into the outer world. Remember your dreams and you will KNOW your past which will assist you in understanding your present. Once you have mastered something, you no longer "think" about it, you just respond automatically. Is something from the past - something you have forgotten - still effecting your current situation and causing you to respond with actions that are inappropriate?
You can not explain "art" by examining the material used to create it. You will soon learn to laugh again - because the difference between your limited "ego" self and your "true" Self is so ridiculous. Once you have traveled the path and obtained wisdom and understanding - you will know precisely what to do with yourself and you will proceed to do it. If you are brave enough to hang on to your dream for yourself - it will manifest as your subconscious makes the necessary physical changes during your "sleep" state - while your waking mind is out of the way. Become neutral - flow with what pulls you - give your inner, secret goal some attention every single day and your mind will respond as you continue to repeat your desires for happiness and joy.
Grown up emotions, capable of intelligent love and compassion as the self begins to merge with the other. Passions that are intricately and harmoniously woven into the overall fabric of the lifestyle and life's purpose. Floodgates to work in concert with the ebb and flow of the Moon's attractiveness. Your mature emotions help equip you for the journey of your expanded sense of Self, the Self that has begun to feel as one with its environment and nature, the Self that will feel the larger joys and larger pains brought to it by its larger heart. This can indicate a sense of emotional mission. A dedicated humanitarian. Altruism. The Moon is the cool, silver, reflective mirror of the Sun. It gives us the ability to see ourselves and our effect on the selves of others. Here are the inner goals to match the outer goals shown by the Star. The person who has deep compassion is not going to be bothered whether he tells a lie or the truth. All Buddhist have lied - they have to because they are so compassionate. The whole truth will be too much.
Questions to Answer: What do your fears represent to you? What have you forgotten? What do you instinctively want to do? What kind of cycle or pattern are you repeating? Are your actions appropriate to this particular situation or are you responding to some past situation? What is bewildering or confusing you? What is real and what is illusion?
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