May 18: The Ten of Disks

The Ten of Disks is 'Wealth'.
This is the final card of the DISK suit, relating to the physical world - money, bodies, jobs, chores, projects etc. Matter.
Finally at the 10 we arrive at manifestation, so this is a very grounded cars, something has been established and it's maxed out - was it successful? Value in means value out.
The coins relate to differing ways to achieve what we desire in manifesting reality - along with planetary symbols easily recognized - Mercury being the planet of the card and in Virgo the sign it co-rules (along with Gemini) which suggests manifestation first comes from the mind/mind's eye and then manifested in physical reality (Virgo).
This card is called 'wealth' and of course the ultimate wealth is spiritual (you can't take it with you when it's gone in the material world) but also shows the enjoyment on the physical plane of earth reality and its fruits.
One noticeable manifestation of this card, which I don't see as obviously related but which I am drawn to mention was knocking over the metal plant stand and having soil covering the kitchen floor - the coins show the plates, pots and soil covering the ground (and you can't get more earthy than that).
Today didn't have major money issues but the topic of self-worth came up and self-respect - valuing yourself highly and I think this is a mirror of the card - being totally at home in the physical. Mercury in Virgo is to find something you truly care about, a service or project (Virgo) you can focus on and give your awareness and mind to (Mercury) and thus achieve something solid and lasting in life.
Details, mess, and just letting things fall into place (once you know what the details are) were themes today - as I sit with soil at my feet and not caring, I'll clean it up tomorrow.
Another theme that jumps to mind was a character on Seinfeld - 'you were acting as though your body were a theme park'.
Maybe it truly is, since we got a seasonal pass to occupy a body in this realm of physical experience. The Wealth cards represent just that gift. And the mess that comes with it. Yee-aa!
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