May 19: Princess of Wands (Reversed)

The Princess of Wands is the Free Spirit.
The card is littered with Aries references - the headset, the Rams, the fire and passion of adventure. She is naive but she doesn't care. This care represents the carefree nature of the childlike spirit, but also the courage to take a chance. She has no fear - the tiger is being dragged by the tail, she knows what fear is but it doesn't hold her back.
We can only reach out and experience new things if we are fearless and open. The Princess of Wands is this open spirit - the call to adventure (will we follow or will fear hold us back?)
Today i actually ended up ina conversation about just this - fear and how I try in my life now to life based on my feelings and not overanalyze. Since the card was reversed I guess the tiger of fear is paramount now and on top of the Princess - so this was a big thought on how to reverse the fear in life and break free.
I went out to visit an old friend and was out single and alone on the journey which was very representative of the Princess in the Wand suit. Carefree, fun-loving and open to experience.
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