May 24: The Magus (Reversed)

The Magus (also known as the Magician) relates to Mercury/Hermes and the function of Communication.
Here we have the winged shoes of Mercury, the messenger of the Gods - who was alway zipping here and there (notice the lines of commuication in the background). The Magus here commands his world and the tools of his trade are here: writing, speaking, thinking, sharing - these are his ways and means. What does he convey? Who knows. Is it truth? Who knows. Only himself I presume.
Since this card was reversed I wondered how communication would go today - and it wasn't tangled up or negative per se, but there was a look back to the past. The publisher interested in my work contacted me to say she wanted to know my progress (yet had forgotten I had sent her my proposal and samples a month ago...) I was in negotiations today which was a little difficult but the Writing aspect of this card was very evident. Reversed I think relates to the emails passed back and forth and the misunderstanding and the miscontruing and assumptions made that were inaccurate - therefore the Magus reversed may simply mean here - facts aren't correct, so double check to be sure.
I was pleased to see the appearance of this card now, since I relate to the role of Messenger, Writer and Communicator. I did have reservations on the way others communicated today (arrogance, conceit and rudeness) but these are lessons in my own journey as a communicator so I embrace them. Frame of mind is everything.
I am a skeptic, but I do love the artwork on these tarot cards!
Hey there, Glad you could make it here. You'd be a good tarot Reader yourself or at least get a lot out of the symbolism being a Scorpio.
Being Skeptical is a great thing although Tarot acts more like an 'internal mirror' through the process of synchronicity (the card pulled is correct for that moment of time etc) as opposed to being anything mystical of spooky. What we see in a card relates a lot to our unconscious. Why not give it a go? :)
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