May 21: Evening: Three of Cups

The Three of Cups is 'Abundance'.
I always see this as the party card - happiness, fun, three cups overflowing with joy - shared in good company (this is Mercury in Cancer, sharing emotional energy and a connect of the heart and mind with people we care about).
Let the Good Time roll! I see laughter and bubbling energy here, and growth through sharing of emotional energy as seen in the pomegranate cups.
I actually went out for drinks (cups) tonight first time in a while, it was karaoke and I met up with an old friend and even an ex (cancer rising, so the Merc in Cancer was represented here by a dialogue with them). It was nice to have a heart-to-heart with an old friend (cancer is the past). Drinks flowed, laughter and singing. A true signature of the Three of Cups it seems. But no, I only had two drinks - I actually knocked half of my second fuzzy navel over - Pisces really can't take their drink!
On an astrological note the Moon was in Pisces today - I woke up to quite a few quick succession synchronicities - from knowing the weather b4 i awoke, to eating chips with jeramie (who bought a packed just before I woke up and whom i ended up sharing with him (we rarely eat chips) and then a few others I am forgettign - ah yes, a dream about the word 'freeloader' then turning to the exact page in the ET 101 book that mentioned freeloaders.
Moon in Pisces is a psychic time - when I was out drinking with friends last night, I ended up coming home witha nice little buzz, and it was raining. Singing, Drinking, Raining. Such a Pisces Moon Night - and seen in the Three of Cups card which can even represent the weather.
great to see how these Tarot cards manifest in the physical dimension. If cups are feelings - the three of cups was a three-feeling - fun, joy, abundance, laughter and a great time.
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