Aug 31: Two card Draw: The Moon & The Wheel of Fortune

For this evening, I drew the Moon card. A very unconscious card traditionally. However as an Astrology I see the connection immediately to the fact I spend a major part of the evening working on the home space (Moon = domestic matters in Astrology).
My partner and I (represented by the two animals) worked on the project to erect a desk and a new computer chair (the two structures in the background?). We finished by night after which he had an early night for work tomorrow and I continued to burn the midnight oil.
We did talk about unconscious motivations and childhood, things in our underworld so to speak. I think this card is a follow on from the 'quiet' of the 6 of swords. Feeling feelings. Allowing.
The card for the next step for me is the Wheel of Fortune.
Of course this was a welcome to see. A Change is upon me the card suggests, and the need and manifestation of Change. I am continuing to futher my work seeking new o

I am seeking to expand and grow - and luck as they say is the combination of timing, opportunity and skill. When the three meet, 'luck' is born.
I intend to manifest this in the cycle ahead. I am out of some darkness and of course into a clearer space, as seen in the past few cards (and as felt within and without).
Change is good. New furniture placements, new job horizons. All in balance, yet change comes when we can risk failure. Expansion means to get off your ass and keep moving and growing.
I welcome this new cycle, this new change and this new turn of the wheel.

Final Note: I wanted to see where this CHANGE or new cycle was leading me and again it was emphasized by the next card which I drew from the deck right after: the card of a new beginning, a new cycle, the Zero of the deck, the Fool.
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