Sept 9: Two of Swords

The woman sits blindfolded so this is an inner world card. With her back to the water (emotions) this strongly underlines the swords/mental/intellect energies of this card - but the sheer size of the body of water behind her suggests this is always at her back, and a large factor in her situation. The waxing Moon suggests something new is developing but hasn't yet reached its zenith.
Looking back, today brought a lot of symbols of this card to my door. Once quite literally when I encountered a couple arguing in the hallway - I asked if they lived above me (since I have been having trouble with a feuding couple upstairs) but they lived on the same floor.
I was chatting to my partner today about decisions - making clear ones, black and white ones, and the shades in between that often cause problems. After all - don't we truly know what we want and need, but we often trip ourselves up or tie ourselves in knots unnecessarily? Often we weigh things up too much so that we end up with nothing - no action, no firm conclusion, just a sort of ambigious drifting and vague sense of purpose or direction.
Today meandered, but that was okay. It's nice to take things as they come. Being in the centre of conflict again (I was as a child often which is where I learned my mediation skills) is the best place to be, although it in itself is not a peaceful place. You'd think being between two warring factions (the couple in the hallway today or the Mom and Dad fighting years ago) would be a peaceful place (after all, most Judges seem pretty content) but I don't think it is - the centre is often the place of most tension - after all, you see two sides, know both sides, understand both and yet which way do you turn?
You turn inward - to yourself. Then it's not about taking sides, but about focusing on what you want in any given moment.
This card reminded me today of the issue of CHOICES - and how not choosing is also a choice. After inaction and deliberation must come action and definite and decisive choices. That propels us forward once more and stagnation (mental mostly since this is swords) can be held at bay and growth continues.
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