Home Situation: 4 of Wands (reversed)

I pulled a card for a current home issue - the upstairs neighbors who are waking us up here early mornings and during the day banging around, screaming and leading us to call the police for domestic violence disturbances.
Finally, on the day of the Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces (in my 4th house of Home) it reached its peak when we ended up banigng back at the noise and the guy came down. Confrontation ensues.
We end up calling the manager who them issued them with a 3 day grace period after which they will be evicted.
Enough is enough. I often find being too polite and accomodating (and expecting others to have respect and decency) is misguided.
This card represents those sacred 4 walls of the home, and the peaceful sanctity and sanctuary within (the wreaths held by the joyful figures). This card to me shows me and my partner looking up at the ceiling of the unit above, (notice the flowers).
Since the card was reversed did this suggest something coming down from above (like the visit from the insane and irate neighbor upstairs) but also the warning descending from the manager (the man 'above'). Reversed too it showed an end to feeling privacy invasion, and the card is called COMPLETION - and shows something finally being ended that should have been delath with a while back.
Currently, the grace period is over and it's been MUCH quieter. For once, we're living as anyone should. Amazing how you have to enforce normal politeness and manners and respect in people who I guess don't have the gift of being given that themselves, of who just don't care about anyone else but themselves.
The Four of Wands reminded me about the strength of boundaries - and the need to often reinforce them.
awesome blog!
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