Sep 13: Ten of Pentacles
Second time this card has come up in the space of a couple of weeks. The card of the zenith of the Pentacles suit. Concerned with material reality - money, work, security, health, body, all the things that are sense related in our physical world.
Interestingly enough, this day mapped out to be one in which everything physical related seemed to be a focus.
My partner and I went to see The Ellen Show at the NBC studios here, which turned into an epic ordeal that led to me sitting, unable to go to the bathroom for 4 hours because of the ridiculous unorganized set-up they have there.
The 10 is the most 'full' of all the numbers, and in the earth element of Pentacles, my body was so friggin full, that I actualy felt my left kidney and I ended up narrowly escaping peeing myself. Narrowly I said, but not quite avoiding it altogether.
Physical discomfort - who would have thought that this card could have any correlation - but when you're dealing with the 10 of the suit of earth it reaches a peak, or so I have learned. Pushing yourself to the edge, isn't anything worthy of a medal. I won't forgo my bodily needs because of shabby discipline and organization skills of people around me.
The 'group' element of this card of course would relate to audience participation. The wealth name dedicated to this does not represent the measily Latoya CD were all received for being in the audience (when the audience the day before all received video phones for themselves and a friend!). No - the wealth relates to interior wealth, as it always ultimately does.
I had a conversation on the way home with my partner, that really, when it boils down to it, I fel rich inside because rarely do I find things outside of myself, and outside of my connection to him, that satisfies me or leaves me with any lasting feelings of contentment.
This is the message here - riches are born inside, and can onyl be enjoyed outside when they are seen as fleeting and transitory. Like a great banquet, a gourmet meal. The meal will someday be gone, but the eater remains.
I'm just thankful I am blessed with such love - towards myself and shared with my partner. Looking back it's a comic day, and the 10 of swords, even in discomfort, can show the trials and glories of the Physical World.

My partner and I went to see The Ellen Show at the NBC studios here, which turned into an epic ordeal that led to me sitting, unable to go to the bathroom for 4 hours because of the ridiculous unorganized set-up they have there.
The 10 is the most 'full' of all the numbers, and in the earth element of Pentacles, my body was so friggin full, that I actualy felt my left kidney and I ended up narrowly escaping peeing myself. Narrowly I said, but not quite avoiding it altogether.
Physical discomfort - who would have thought that this card could have any correlation - but when you're dealing with the 10 of the suit of earth it reaches a peak, or so I have learned. Pushing yourself to the edge, isn't anything worthy of a medal. I won't forgo my bodily needs because of shabby discipline and organization skills of people around me.
The 'group' element of this card of course would relate to audience participation. The wealth name dedicated to this does not represent the measily Latoya CD were all received for being in the audience (when the audience the day before all received video phones for themselves and a friend!). No - the wealth relates to interior wealth, as it always ultimately does.
I had a conversation on the way home with my partner, that really, when it boils down to it, I fel rich inside because rarely do I find things outside of myself, and outside of my connection to him, that satisfies me or leaves me with any lasting feelings of contentment.
This is the message here - riches are born inside, and can onyl be enjoyed outside when they are seen as fleeting and transitory. Like a great banquet, a gourmet meal. The meal will someday be gone, but the eater remains.
I'm just thankful I am blessed with such love - towards myself and shared with my partner. Looking back it's a comic day, and the 10 of swords, even in discomfort, can show the trials and glories of the Physical World.
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