Oct 24: Seven of Swords (reversed)

The card is reversed showing I haven't yet reached a new shore, but the decision to move forward has been reached. yesterday under the Moon card my partner and I ended up having a face-to-face about everything we are currently working through. Tears were shed, and new perspectives found. We have new ideas to implement - ideally, new ways to re-energize the connection that we know exists, but which needs to be honored, in a world of battling outside forces, dealing with disturbances and crafting a path through a forest of thick thorns.
Reversed, the swords keep the holes in the boat plugged - our mental defenses are often there for a reason, so we can't change our minds and our perceptions that easily, we can only take on new ideas and replace rotten thoughts and with new perspectives, fresh ones that seem something we can grab, whilst letting go of the previous swords (thoughts)., Truly, our thoughts bind us.
The passageway has begun, and it now involves finding a new way to steer ahead. Things are already amazing, in that clarity has been reached by sharing ideas on where things are at on both of our sides. Still a team - the woman, child and man on the boat are all in this together and facing the same direction - forward. Reversed, by looking at troubled water, we can move through it and come out, under the bridge.
Questions to Answer: What immediate problems are you attempting to solve? Where will you go to solve them? Where in your life right now is mental clarity important? How are you liberating your mind from clutter and false ideas so that you can think clearly? When you step back from your problem to gain a clear perspective, what do you see?
What immediate problems are you attempting to solve?
How to commit to celebrating our union and finding something to aim towards together instead of being pulled in different directions by outside demands.
Where will you go to solve them? Sharing ideas, seeing what feels right and can work. And by going within - to see what is needed.
Where in your life right now is mental clarity important?
Understanding and acknowleding needs and where our beliefs and ideas are out of synch with the reality of the situation.
When you step back from your problem to gain a clear perspective, what do you see?
That everything is as it should be and that lack of communication, even if it means repeating conversations that I think should have been resolved by now, always leads to further self-indulgent and unhelpful mental patterns that inevitably leads to behavior patterns that separate rather than unite us.
I also see that things aren't as heavy or serious as I thought and that really it's all about having fun together, and not getting stuck on having to battle so hard to enjoy life, ourselves and each other.
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