Oct 21: New Moon in Libra: THE MOON

What a fitting card, after almost a month of no entries.
The Moon card, on the day of the New Moon. A sign indeed to focus on new emotional energies, new leads, opportunities and doors. In Libra and touching my North Node, certainly a time of fresh adventures and allowing new energy in.
I feel this - from repeating old relationship energies, for starters. Old emotional circles. And the necessity of restoring natural balance (Libra). I'm also aware of the need to feed myself more, not only on the food level, but also emotional level with more comfort and through new Moon experiences - I am continuing my artwork and want to begin learning the guitar - since there's one hung up on the wall above where I sit, and I haven't learned to play. Also to tap into my Sagittarius side and spend more time outdoors - since moving to Los Angeles, I have allowed my partner's lack of desire to hike or spend time in the wilderness overcome my natural need for these things, so I am going to seek out a way to walk to the nearby hiking trails, and find a place to sit outside and read, or go for a nightly hike. That would be good for the soul (I mistyped 'soil' which seems a cosmic wink).
The Moon card was reflected today in the Chakra clearing I just performed. I actually ended up releasing a lot of emotional energy by crying, which came on unexpectedly. A great release. We're not at the New Moon until around 9pm tonight so this is a great stage of preparation, clearing out the old to make way for the new.
Today I was watching Buffy episodes which gives me great comfort, as I was stapling headshots to my resumes, to mail out under the New Moon, to casting agents etc. I actually checked into Sarah Michelle Geller's birth chart and wasn't surprised to see she was born weeks later than me - and shares the Aries south node of warrior energy. I'll write more on her chart in a future episode of the Astrology Blog. Stay tuned.
For now, I'm left to a very watery, emotional and sensitive Moon day, one where I'm reminded to nurture myself first and foremost with things that feed my soul. It's easy, especially within relationships, to lose track of oneself, in the race to merge and share with another. So today I respect and honor my relationships by working on and being with myself.
A bath, some reading, a spot of tanning (which is really helping me feel good) and some outside time today and a little work out should be a great way to regain my own sense of Balance, under this Libra New Moon.
You know, I sat and looked at the Moon card and had no idea what it meant to begin with. How amazing, since it was loaded with so much information. I'll add more if more comes up today as it's still early.
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