Oct 24: Ace of Wands (reversed)

Since the card is reversed it suggests being close to a breakthrough and new start, but the birth isn't ready or the soil isn't quite fertile yet.
I wonder what the 'thumbs down' could be related to? Still there is much growth and energy here, just not fully acknowledged or realized.
I am up early today, and resuming my tarot journal after a departure. I seem to move in cycles with this but I am trying to remain constant.
Questions to Answer: Are you really trying or is there too much activity in your life?
Funny, at the tail end of the day, I was scheduled to do the radio segment but was too tired. After months of on off on off and them forgetting I don't have so much faith in their structure. So I ended up going to bed because I was burned out and tired from staying up late to often be forgotten about. After receiving an email I finally had to deal with this issue.
What is inspiring you?
Enjoying reconnecting with my partner and sharing experiences.
What has aroused your passions and desires?
Shared time always brings new options, ideas back into my frame of reference.
How do you want to grow?
I want to grow now through continued studied and application of my knowledge.
How do you want to express yourself creatively?
More artwork and filmwork.
I went to bed early - and consider the Ace of Wands a marker of ACTION ENERGY, applied more to inner development. I was tired so chose to relax than seek satisfaction in the outer world (Sun currently transits my 12th house).
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