Friday, November 17, 2006

Nov 17: Knight of Wands

I was up very early this morning for a long day. Talk about action and energy and power. Mars just moved into my First House and it coincides with pulling this card. Look at the firepower.

There's a strong Leo vibe to this card I think (the sign of leo seems to be in the lower corner reversed). Getting Things Done I think is the theme of this card. Forging ahead and being brave, confident and intent on making things happen.

We'll see how this plays out today, it's only 8.32 at the time of writing the morning, and I have been up since around 6am.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Nov 15: Star (reversed)

I decided to move back to my Thoth deck today, the artwork was calling me and I felt a need for more psychological depth that sometimes I don't reach with the Rider-Waite.

The Star card fell today, which I very excited to see - I feel a kinship with this card (11th house north node = aquarius house, Pluto in 11th house, Mars in Aquarius and Uranus Rising). This is the Aquarius card, spiritual renewal and of course work on the planet.

As the card is reversed, I think it's a reminder to tap back into my 'cosmic consciousness' as I have been dealing with rather mundane issues this past week. Funny, i have been strongly drawn towards the color purple recently and this card is so imbued with this - the color of the Third Eye chakra and spiritual majesty. I think it's a chance to empty myself and refill my spiritual cups (to continue focusing on my spiritual mission on the planet as well as my personal needs).

I always am reminded through this card that I am connected, that all is at peace and that balance is all I need strive for. All needs are taken care of. I feel today will be a restful and recuperative day.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Nov 8: Rebirth Day: Seven of Swords

I woke up 10 minutes before the Sun moved from my 12th House into the First House of my Chart, signalling my Rebirth Day and a new cycle. I think I must have sensed, it I couldn't sleep and I needed to be up and about.

So I came to draw a card to show the energies of this new beginning and my focus and expression and it was the Seven of Swords.

Another sword (mental) card I see this cycle as asking me to focus on direction (the man looks behind him) and to remember where I have come, which thoughts have already taken root (planted swords) and to take my ideas and continue running with them.

Interp for this card:
Stabilize your mind. Your belief system is your natural grounding - your mental foundation from which you can take great leaps of consciousness, then return to regroup and renew. You have wit and cunning, the ability to create plans and strategies. When the odds seem to be against you - you seek a way to disarm the enemy. You have the ability to take the potential "sting" out of any situation by forethought and preparation - using your ability to take care of details.

Do something daring that proves your bravery, skill, speed and cunning. If it looks like things may not work out the way you have planned them - have an alternate way to go. Apply your mental energy to every task and prepare your ground for later action. You are perfecting your wisdom, gaining maturity as you learn to control your power, emotions and intuition. If you find yourself unable to get anyone's help - ask yourself if you are perhaps "hiding" your true plans and intentions? Seek "inner" guidance and the solutions will be presented.

You have begun to include others as extensions of the self. Here the higher physical aspect of mind, its dedication and application in the hard realities of the world, but with the goal of proving to itself the existence of God in everything, to rationalize faith through the actual experience of divinity in the physical world. This is a time for mental harvesting, for analysis/measuring of progress in preparation for the next round of thought, decision and action. A bit of a perfectionist. Here is the informed, the qualified, the certified, the approved, the accepted. Education, particularly advanced education, schooling with a definite purpose. Investigation and research. Observation/recording. Calculation. Measuring. Comparison. Speaking out, advancing your opinions. Physically carrying out mental projects. materializing ideas into mechanics. Moving information. News, Communication, publishing, writing, editing, computers, storage of information.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Nov 3: TWO CARD DRAW: The Moon & Death

I've decided to begin a two-card process now, so see how the images connect with each other on a daily basis. I drew a loose proposal based on PHYSICAL and SPIRITUAL/INTELLECTUAL manifestations. The first card is more the mundane read, the second could be anyting that drives or underlies this (emotionally, psychologically etc). I won't be tied to this the cards are mirrors into the unconscious and should be read as such without firm and fast rules.

Again - how many times have I pulled this card? The Pisces card. And days before a full Moon in Taurus. I'm still on a lunar cycle, and in a Pisces phase (planets passing through my 12th house hammering home the issue if letting it go, mediation and dissolving ego boundaries. What a ride).

My dreams were strong this morning - I was with old friends, an ex and they all left to go to another country and I wasn't chosen to go. When I finally did get to go (was it Thailand?) it was to teach English to kids but it was in reality a training ground (combat - how appropriate Mars is in my 12th house now). And a girl got to fight against a holographic dragon and won, but sadly the dragon was gone for good. (Inner demons, dragons and slaying them?).

I thought about a dream journal and maybe this blog will become that in time as I notate what I remember. I think the Moon card is still representing my 12th house journey where all is symbolic and my unconscious is lining up with my conscious ( I always seem to choose it right side up which makes my unconscious more CONSCIOUS so I'm happy to see that).

The path ahead is unknown of course and I have my inner stirring to motivate me. I'll keep a note of the Moon cycle ahead and write about the taurus full moon soon. Which leads me to:

DEATH. The Scorpio card. We're in Scorpio now of course with three planets in Scorpio (Sun, venus, mars) and in my 12th House (pisces house, to relate to the moon card). SO it's a strong draw on my natal self. Death spirutually and psychologically here would represent the clearing out of the old, to make way for a new cycle (when I enter the first house). Death of the ego perhaps again. More release, purging. Minutes before I wrote this I noticed tat, our Aries cat eating a plant on the window and then throwing up again. Symbolic.

Putting the two together - a journey into the dark night of the soul. Perhaps i should carry on writing my horror screenplay. And use symbolic parts of myself. Death will be the releasing of fears as it always is, in horror movies. Taboos.

I love this card, its strong image and resonation with my Scorpio Ascendant. Coupled with the Moon card it's lonely yet it's stuff I am made of. I need to cut away from my life all that chains me to illusion, since that is where my pain comes from. It always does, but it's easy to forget this.
Physically, unconscious motivations are paramount, and the best way to aid this process is to clear space - which is what I had planned for today. SO on the simple level - to avoid confusion, clear up. Outside first and then inside, it's the same process.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Nov 1: Advice: Four of Swords

What should I do now, to be on path and balance inside myself?

A perfect fit for how i feel, really. Swords - my conflicts are mainly mental but so are the resolutions. It all begins and ends in the mind.

Laying conflict to rest - a 4, the number of rest, contentment, foundations and stability. Swords - states of mind.

I need to chill out.

This is the rest card, and I have been thinking I need to pull back from all activity and go within. I even have thought about going back to my past life expressions of being in a monastary. How fitting with this picture of a man in a sort of tomb like place, a religious energy and a spiritual retreat of sorts.

I think conflict will always be with me (lying on the sword and the ones above forcing me down or at least facing down on me) but in the fact of conflict this figure remains serene. I learned a while back that the fingers in that position is for recharing your body. This is what I need now. Mediation, mental retreat or at least re-evaluation. I need to learn to harness my mind and know that conflict isn't a problem at ALL and that in the fact of it all what my mind does is more important,
In the race to find and be balanced I have forgotten that instability gives rise to the creative dyanamic energy that is my greatest strength.

The card is known as TRUCE. Funny, since I just came out of a period of intense conflict on the relationship front, again as inner demons create outside problems. The truce-making process is a four fold process that's experienced on all four levels of consciousness, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical (the four swords). Truce is an opportunity to move through conflictual issues. In order for conflict resolution to be successful, there are four peaceful principles that come from native tradition which is referred to as the four-fold way. In order for truce to be truly experienced, one must show up, pay attention, tell the truth, and not be attached to the outcome. The results of this is renewal and regeneration.

Each card I am realizing is an opportunity - here, there is the opportunity for the restoration of peace, by calling a truce on all levels of my being, beginning in my mind. An opportunity to rest, recuperate, to begin meditation again and continue on a more balanced mental approach to everything, and to feel no hurry or pressure.

Questions to Answer: From what do you need to rest or retreat?

My usual high level of mental energy and sexual energy. Computer time should be limited again since I am finding too much time spent here.

Where do you need to focus your energies in order to recuperate your strength?

Meditation, reading, resting, more nature time (need to map out local park and hiking trails).

What can you do to gain a better perspective and be fair and just in this situation?

Back off, time out, switch off, perhaps write more lists to follow.

What kind of professional assistance would help most?
Therapy? lol. Actually I realize time outs help a lot. To "love it all, even the parts that you don't love". Wise words.

Nov 1: All Saints Day: Knight of Wands (reversed)

Energy, will and action - all being directed - where?

Reversed this card seems to reflect my feeling an abundance of creative and sexual energy but not knowing ho w to channel it all. I am going to hit the gym tonight and go tanning too (fire, heat, wands!). I think anger aggression and passion are here but without a direction. It seems to follow with the Chariot reversed.

Questions to Answer: How are you growing and developing?

I'm learning a lot about the application of will, and focusing energy. Still tough but I am seeing it drives everything I do and all frustration stems from misplaced focus/passion/energy/desire.

How are you taking risks?

I'm not. And herein lies my current challenge. I am sure this is to become a major theme (jupiter is conj my ascendant right now)

Who is radiating creative or sexual energy in your life?

I'm radiating it, but not letting it fully be expressed. I am going to work on this more - a book The Multiorgasmic male is a book i was told about last night, about rechanneling sexual energy into creative work.

Who enthusiastically wants to get going on something?

I do but my partner is also giving a lot of creative energy right now. So we both represent this card - and the challenges of trying to apply creative energy in a direction towards our goas and purpose and passions instead of just running in circles.