Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sep 28: Jumper Card: Nine of Swords, Card of Day : 2 of Swords

My Jumper Card was a loud one today - but it came as I was dwelling on matters of the past. Funny, in that the 9 of Swords is about mental cruelty to ourselves. Things that take us away from the present are mental thieves.

{Side Node I received the 7 of swords reversed the other day but forgot to post - a card relating to stealing and as I coin this phrase now, it seems to be echoed today).

Dwelling and repeating old energies and thoughts leads to lack of sleep (as seen in this card, which is funny in that I was woken at 5am by the neighbors upstairs again) but lead us to focus on pure 'negatives' as it were. SO the card as it jumped is a reminder to release myself from mental loops today.

My card of the day is the Two of Swords. A card relating to the Moon in Libra (it's in Sagittarius today but since we're in Libra time, it relates to mental harmony). It's called PEACE but often from not getting involved or making decisions. Weighing it all up. The swords become the Libra Scapes. So a day of quietening the mind it seems and thinking things through or even taking a respite frm reasoning, dissecting and overrationalizing.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Solar Eclipse at 29 Virgo: The Ten of Pentacles

What does this Eclipse mean to me?

Wow, the third time this card has been drawn I believe. That's a lot for a short space of time.
This time, for the first time, it is reversed. Let's look into this further.

I do know Astrologically the Solar Eclipse lands in my 10th house - career path, public personal, professional developments, my legacy, my mission, my crowning achievements. I'm expecting more work to open up, and my work with the public to progress. Work on my book (Virgo is also editing) is going well.

The Ten is always a completion so is this something left incomplete and the theme is to continue finishing off physical (pentacles) projects?

I'll go back to re-read my entries on this card previously because I guess the energies haven't fully played out. Getting everything in order seems appropriate - the pentacles are arranged in the Tree of Life positions in the Kabbalah. A sort of unity exists in the material realm with this card. Since the Eclipse is in Virgo I think it reflects a solidifying force. This Eclipse, for me, will be of practical considerations and finishing up.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Sep 20: Overturned Card: Three of Wands

Sometimes, when I shuffle a card with the intent on pulling one for my day, a theme to show what to bring in today, what I may manifest and a general feel for where i am on my path currently, a card will jump out or flip itself over in the deck. I used to ignore these but now I see them as valid. Just another way of moving the cards, unconsciously, so that the message is delivered.

As I sit and wonder about the Eclipse and about where I am now, one card did reversed itself and I just caught a glimpse of it as I continue to shuffle so this is to be my card of today.

The Three of Wands. A looking ahead. Supported by our idealism, courage and faith. Or perhaps our mind, body and spirit (the trinity of wands).
Wands are energy. 3 is creative. Creative energy that has yet to be directed. The man in the card watches his ships coming in (or leaving?). He remainds grounded (leaning on the wand) yet ready and prepared with allies on both sides.

I took out my pastels and began my first picture in what must be years and years and years now. Felt good. I also have my Halloween costume out, the one I never got to wear in Seattle, that I'll be painting soon enough. With Saturn in Leo, and returning in my own chart, I've begun to tap into this side of me again. Just having pieces of unfinished artwork around me, finding pieces of pastel the cats have snatched and thrown around the room (Tat had green feet this morning) has been fulfilling - now I can move from project to project, much as I do online, multitasking my workload, and balancing it out with something free-reign.

Creative energy directed outwards - that's how I see this card, and it seems to have manifested itself outside finally, so I can see it for what it is.

Early Morning: Sep 20: Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands is 'Oppression'.

Early in the morning as I draw this card I wonder if it shows a deep focus or commitment to a task or whether it shows I need a break from work! True I have been working hard, or perhaps I'm not seeing something?

This card reminds of the times I struggle as I walk back from the store carrying bags (since I seem to end up picking uo more than I bargained for when I left hands empty!).

If ten is a completion of sorts and wands are energy, I think it suggests reaching a peak and perhaps the need for a break, respite and rest. We'll see. It's early, I guess I need to take a look around me at the bigger picture, after a period of intense focus.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Sep 18: The Star (reversed)

The Star came up today - a great card to see for an Astrologer such as myself of course. I haven't yet seen many of the stars here in Los Angeles. A hike up to Griffith Park (and the Observatory) was beautiful but I feel out of favor with the Arian man who took me there, by speaking my mind and being my true self. The Light of our true inner self can often blind and scare away those who cannot face their own Light. Truth hurts sometimes, but only by those who refuse to face it.

The Star card always reminds me of refreshment - there's water to quench the thirst of the land, yet it is renewed, and finds its way back to its source again (the river) just as our souls do, at the end of each incarnation.

Renewal - soul refreshment. The card connects to the Universal sign of Aquarius - Humanity. Unity. Individuality (we're all parts of the whole, just like the 7 smaller stars reflect the largest one, replicas yet distinct and different.

The 7 stars correlate to the Chakra points in our bodies - energy centres (chakra means wheel) that spin and connect our various physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual selves. Unity again. With 8 points each representing the number of Power and Strength, we find something of substance within the spiritual and the ideal - following the stars can actually be one of the most practical things we can do.

But more than that - are we following our own internal 'star'? We were each born to fulfill a spiritual purpose. The Star card reminds us of this, shows us we are on track and to have Hope - without which we cannot anticipate great things.

Reversed, this card was reflected in the lack of complete health within my partner - the Star card I've noticed in the past, can relate to ill-health when reversed. A need for cleansing and renewing. Rest, replenishment - more fluids (it was a soup day today) were needed. And more so - water, represents soul. Sometimes we get off track too far into either emotional whirlpools, or we get inundated with practical and earthy decisions. With Capricorn rising, he is earthbound and I think this card reflected his need to pull back into his spiritual core by letting practical considerations slide for the time being.

For me, aspirations for the future are always in my mind. This card reversed reminded me that I'm still on track but to remain focused on my Vision, and on creating my future in the here and now. Balancing mind and spirit, body and emotions, is a tricky path - I tend to spend a lot of time in my head, at the computer.

An old friend called today, I think since I've been spending a lot of time on my own (happily) it may be a call to reconnect.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Sep 13: Ten of Pentacles

Second time this card has come up in the space of a couple of weeks. The card of the zenith of the Pentacles suit. Concerned with material reality - money, work, security, health, body, all the things that are sense related in our physical world.
Interestingly enough, this day mapped out to be one in which everything physical related seemed to be a focus.
My partner and I went to see The Ellen Show at the NBC studios here, which turned into an epic ordeal that led to me sitting, unable to go to the bathroom for 4 hours because of the ridiculous unorganized set-up they have there.

The 10 is the most 'full' of all the numbers, and in the earth element of Pentacles, my body was so friggin full, that I actualy felt my left kidney and I ended up narrowly escaping peeing myself. Narrowly I said, but not quite avoiding it altogether.

Physical discomfort - who would have thought that this card could have any correlation - but when you're dealing with the 10 of the suit of earth it reaches a peak, or so I have learned. Pushing yourself to the edge, isn't anything worthy of a medal. I won't forgo my bodily needs because of shabby discipline and organization skills of people around me.

The 'group' element of this card of course would relate to audience participation. The wealth name dedicated to this does not represent the measily Latoya CD were all received for being in the audience (when the audience the day before all received video phones for themselves and a friend!). No - the wealth relates to interior wealth, as it always ultimately does.

I had a conversation on the way home with my partner, that really, when it boils down to it, I fel rich inside because rarely do I find things outside of myself, and outside of my connection to him, that satisfies me or leaves me with any lasting feelings of contentment.

This is the message here - riches are born inside, and can onyl be enjoyed outside when they are seen as fleeting and transitory. Like a great banquet, a gourmet meal. The meal will someday be gone, but the eater remains.

I'm just thankful I am blessed with such love - towards myself and shared with my partner. Looking back it's a comic day, and the 10 of swords, even in discomfort, can show the trials and glories of the Physical World.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Home Situation: 4 of Wands (reversed)

I pulled a card for a current home issue - the upstairs neighbors who are waking us up here early mornings and during the day banging around, screaming and leading us to call the police for domestic violence disturbances.
Finally, on the day of the Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces (in my 4th house of Home) it reached its peak when we ended up banigng back at the noise and the guy came down. Confrontation ensues.
We end up calling the manager who them issued them with a 3 day grace period after which they will be evicted.


Enough is enough. I often find being too polite and accomodating (and expecting others to have respect and decency) is misguided.
This card represents those sacred 4 walls of the home, and the peaceful sanctity and sanctuary within (the wreaths held by the joyful figures). This card to me shows me and my partner looking up at the ceiling of the unit above, (notice the flowers).

Since the card was reversed did this suggest something coming down from above (like the visit from the insane and irate neighbor upstairs) but also the warning descending from the manager (the man 'above'). Reversed too it showed an end to feeling privacy invasion, and the card is called COMPLETION - and shows something finally being ended that should have been delath with a while back.

Currently, the grace period is over and it's been MUCH quieter. For once, we're living as anyone should. Amazing how you have to enforce normal politeness and manners and respect in people who I guess don't have the gift of being given that themselves, of who just don't care about anyone else but themselves.

The Four of Wands reminded me about the strength of boundaries - and the need to often reinforce them.

September 12: Page of Cups

Pages are often messengers - bearers of news relating to the suit iself. Here, the cup symbolizes emotional or creative news, the birthing of something or something coming up into emotional awareness (the Pisces fish rising to the top of the cup).

It is a card of water (the suit of the element - the headdress, cup, colors and the ocean in the background).

Interestingly enough I began this day woken up with a large cup of Starbucks frappuccino, from my partner, a gift from the land of waking. A magnificent symbol and a simple one from my first moment of consciousness on this day.

I wonder if the books I ordered will arrive today, since this card if a fun, right brained, psychic and creative one. it reminds me of love songs and poetry, and jovial fun energy. I feel this card today is an offer of something, someone reaching out a hand and sharing feelings, asking me to offer mine up too, to share theirs and drink deeply from the cup of life.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Sept 9: Two of Swords

The Two of Swords is traditionally known as PEACE. The crossed swords show a compromise, stalement, an impasse - sitting between two sides, two opinions, thoughts or ideas (or actions - since actions often proceed after the thought). The decision hasn't yet been manifested but what was started in the Ace of Swords (the birth of an idea) is not reaching a crossroads.

The woman sits blindfolded so this is an inner world card. With her back to the water (emotions) this strongly underlines the swords/mental/intellect energies of this card - but the sheer size of the body of water behind her suggests this is always at her back, and a large factor in her situation. The waxing Moon suggests something new is developing but hasn't yet reached its zenith.

Looking back, today brought a lot of symbols of this card to my door. Once quite literally when I encountered a couple arguing in the hallway - I asked if they lived above me (since I have been having trouble with a feuding couple upstairs) but they lived on the same floor.

I was chatting to my partner today about decisions - making clear ones, black and white ones, and the shades in between that often cause problems. After all - don't we truly know what we want and need, but we often trip ourselves up or tie ourselves in knots unnecessarily? Often we weigh things up too much so that we end up with nothing - no action, no firm conclusion, just a sort of ambigious drifting and vague sense of purpose or direction.

Today meandered, but that was okay. It's nice to take things as they come. Being in the centre of conflict again (I was as a child often which is where I learned my mediation skills) is the best place to be, although it in itself is not a peaceful place. You'd think being between two warring factions (the couple in the hallway today or the Mom and Dad fighting years ago) would be a peaceful place (after all, most Judges seem pretty content) but I don't think it is - the centre is often the place of most tension - after all, you see two sides, know both sides, understand both and yet which way do you turn?

You turn inward - to yourself. Then it's not about taking sides, but about focusing on what you want in any given moment.

This card reminded me today of the issue of CHOICES - and how not choosing is also a choice. After inaction and deliberation must come action and definite and decisive choices. That propels us forward once more and stagnation (mental mostly since this is swords) can be held at bay and growth continues.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Sep 8: Five of Swords (Reversed)

This card relates to the mental state of questioning, feeling defeated, suspicious, sceptical. Is the guy the winner since he has all the swords or is he losing because he no longer has backup or support.

I think self-defeating mental thoughts is the major theme here - where do we shoot ourselves in the foot or repat old tapes that 'this won't work so why bother' etc.


Today was a very uplifting day - I think since the card was reversed it shows moving away from this behavior. I didn't feel necessarily at odds with myself. I worked out and had a very relaxing day. So I think often a card that seems bleak, when reversed, can suggest a moving away but being aware, of the energy of the card.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Sep 2: Jumper Card: Ten of Pentacles

This card jumped out of the deck today as I shuffled them so I am taking this as a message of the day. I'll go into detail later on as the day unfolds. It looks on the onset like a card of gatherings, financial completion, work matters and a feeling of satisfaction from a job well done.

I was asked to write for a new column today, so financial and work news was high on the list after all. A day of hard work and the physical and financial payoff that follows.