Wednesday, April 04, 2007

April 4 2007: Ace of Pentacles rev & Empress rev

Today the focus is on the physical world, material concerns, money, body, practical matters.

I drew the card to see what the focus should be, I was considering working out, cleaning up the apartment and going to buy a USB port for the computer. All practical affairs which would follow suit (pun intended).

Reversed it's more a case of taking care of myself I think, personal physical concerns. I want to arrange the space at home to be cleaner and clearer - i wish I had a magic wand to do it, but I know there's a meditation in there somewhere.

I asked for more insight into what this card is telling me and I pulled the Empress reversed. Immediately I notice her hands pointing, she's pointing up at the Moon - so this wouldbe of course domestic issues (moon = home in Astrology) and also my Astrology work. Also perhaps picking the things up off the ground since things lay at her feet.

Traditionally Empress card relates to comfort concerns and creativity. So work first then pleasure i guess you could call this combination. I'll get right to it.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Overall Card for 2007 - Page of Cups

My card of the Year to sum everything up is: the Page of Cups.

I think this card really sum sup Pisces energy. Sensitive, soft, flowing. The water on his head shows that emotions this year continue to move me ahead. But I can handle it. There is my true Piscean nature being brought to the surface for all to see (fish emerging) the red rose of love and sexual expression (another creative force).

The power of my emotions, feeling nature, self expression are all that matters this year. The power of my feeling can move any situation (water wearing away the rocks of challenges).

The look on his face is one of contemplation again - so most of this year will be about continually going inside to my 'sacred chamber' or 'inner library' each day to see what's happening for the day and what I want to create. I think I'll do that this year, check inside each morning and check the transits of the day to outline what my calendar will be (instead of trying to force myself into a 9 - 5 routine). Funny how i never wantd that and now i try to force it upon myself.

This year, it is about poetry, soul-expression and bringing out my true essence. Cups are emotions and Pages are new beginnings the first energy of the suit. Messages. New reasons to be excited. Births. Good news.

Be Emotional
be moved or touched
let your feelings show
respond to beauty
be sentimental or romantic
shed your detachment
let your heart lead the way

Be Intuitive
receive guidance from within
act on a hunch
remember your dreams
have a psychic experience
experience direct knowing
trust your gut reaction

Be Intimate
start or renew a love affair
meet someone you're attracted to
get closer to someone
go beyond formalities
have a special moment of togetherness
solidify a friendship
share something personal

Be Loving
make a thoughtful gesture
express sympathy and understanding
forgive yourself
forgive someone who has hurt you
apologize to someone you have hurt
reach out and touch someone
mend a broken relationship
brighten someone's day
respond with caring rather than anger
refuse to judge or condemn

Page of Cups - You will receive an offer of help and cooperation; energy which has moved through possessiveness, manipulation and jealousy and mastered the capacity to offer emotional loyalty to others in objective ways. A gentle, quiet person - emotionally secure and able to communicate feelings, desires and concerns in realistic and meaningful ways. Unencumbered by the conflict with responsibility or sensual desire - contemplation and fantasy are in proper balance.

The development of wonderful ideas and psychic abilities through meditation and study, developed in a peaceful way. An important messages will be arriving soon - be ready to start a new project. Continually express your feelings - purify yourself emotionally. You get rid of unwanted feelings by expressing them. "Feel" the ecstatic renewal of your heart and spirit by revealing your deepest emotions.

Emotional, sensitive, creative, emotionally resourceful, loyal, tender, affectionate. Emotionally dependent on others, sentimental, ruled by the drive for the transformation. Drive and the forces of change is instinctive, passive as the growth of a child is automatic. Good emotional feel for things, active subconscious, wide range of emotions, exaggeration - emotionally playful, light-hearted, emotional innocence, purity. Appropriate naivety in emotional/creative affairs. Lack of emotional/sexual experience. The transformation side of things emotional and represents new emotional opportunities, situations, events and guides. Learning lessons directly from emotional interaction. Emotional renewal, emotional news (happenings with people). Here is the fountain of emotional youth which keeps our hearts from aging just as the fountain of influence under the Page of Pentacles serves to keep our bodies young.

Questions to Answer: Who depends on you emotionally? What does your intuition say to do? How can you serve others? Who offers unqualified, non-judgmental love?

Card Twelve: 3 of Wands

Twelfth House: 3 of Wands
The way back to my Source this year is by looking ahead, turning my back on the past and keeping my eye on my soul's horizon. There is growth now in venturing ahead. Creative (3) use of the will (rods).
There is soul support (leaning on rod) from the unconscious so following impulse because it feels right. It's not so much action as the contemplation of us. The possibilities ahead are more important than direct action?
Planning stages - an embryo. The Universe 'has my back' what am I going to do now with this new 3 birthing energy. Where shall I take it. A lot of unconscious energy and will is at my disposal now.
Venturing deeper into my unconscious with meditation perhaps, a sacred journey. All outside is a trip into my soul. Remember that this year. All you see outside is part of an inner pathway, along with all people you meet along the way, Guardians to secret portions of your self and soul. Tolls etc, to show dedication.
Escape could come through the thinking and not so much the doing, or through acting irrationally.
Completion comes with keeping body-mind-spirit as one in each adventure and decision.

exploring the unknown
seeking out uncharted areas
going in quest of new adventure
expanding horizons
leaving the secure behind
tackling something different

having foresight
being visionary
looking for greater possibilities
planning ahead
knowing what to expect
getting a premonition
anticipating obstacles
taking the long view

demonstrating leadership
showing others the way
taking the main role
providing needed direction
rallying the group behind you
assuming a responsible position
setting an example
serving as a representative

Three of Wands - Virtue and integrity - the union of your mind, heart and action working in harmony with one another. You have the ability to envision new possibilities long before they become a reality. New business ventures will prosper with the right teammate - someone willing to give you assistance - a creative partnership. You can receive the help you need from someone knowledgeable. Indicates the potential commencement of an enterprise. Your foundation is firm and work can be fearlessly continued.

You travel farther in your mind than some people ever do in physical reality and you have many unusual experiences. You need to first acquire a sense of your terrain before you begin anything. You get excited by your visions and can communicate your enthusiasm to others - yet sometimes, your distance from where things are happening leaves you with no concept of how to get down to work and put your ideas into action. You have the ability to love more than one person - when you are always seeking something that is out of reach - you may fail to appreciate fully the good things that are close at hand. You have a great need for the free expression of your thoughts and feelings - yet you are steadfast and dependable. Your love and care for the people in your life is strong and can be felt even from a great distance.

Allow your spirit to merge with your visions - to explore and seek out new, deeper experiences - while you stay behind, rooted in reality, directing the images to their greatest potential. Maintain a primary commitment to your existing situations and relationships while at the same time looking for new friends, lovers and adventures. Having known trouble, struggling with the past - you now come to peace with your memories. Prepare yourself to move forward. Be open to helping everyone - including yourself. Know that everyone is suffering in some way - accept everyone's frailties and shortcomings with tolerance. Commit yourself with unconditional love to help others become whole. You have the ability to heal through your understanding love and healing hands - be gentle, be patient. Compassion is nurturing and loving and the results will renew your spirit. Follow and trust your guides and intuition - love is the divine healing power - be optimistic - use it!

Spiritual purpose moving with the will of a dedicated, efficient mind behind it. Intuitive decisions have been made and the wheels are in motion. The fruition and extension of past discoveries rather than a launch into the totally new. Optimism, a "knowing that you know" kind of confidence that feeds your commitment to serious work. There is an objective awareness of your Karmic Contract and enthusiastic agreement to carry it out to the letter. Dedication. Visionary insight joins the clarity of mind, enabling you to be meticulous, accurate, painstaking as you organize in the Spiritual/Intuitive Plane and prepare toward your foundation. Now there is power and strength and wisdom enough for major achievements. One eye on the past, the other on the future as you walk the balance beam of life.

Questions to Answer: Where do your ambitions lie? Where are you putting your attentions? What and whom are you drawing to yourself through your vitality, power and energy? What are you envisioning for the future? What and with whom do you have to coordinate to achieve your plan?

Card Eleven: 2 of Swords

Eleventh House: 2 of Swords

Future goals rely on balance thought, objective opinions, inner dialogue and peace of mind. Peace comes with a stalemate, not choosing perhaps, or standing between the polarity of thought.

It's like standing between past and present here. If this house relates to hopes, goals and dreams, it's for a quiet peace of mind, end to conflict.

Within friendships there's a sort of stalemate again, two sides not discussing issues but I have learned of late that it's best to ignore conflict as it's not real, and to keep moving forward. Keeping eyes trained inwards and mouth closed. It's about my learning only. So i guess peace because of inaction with my social circle. It's not about what they do it's about what I'm thinking. Good old Law of Attraction again.

Being the mediator and between two factions, options, choices or issues and finding grounding from being in the middle where it's less chaotic. My freedom this year comes from seeing both sides of each equation and then, perhaps, taking neither.

blocking emotions
denying true feelings
stifling a natural response
keeping another at arm's length
hiding distress
turning a deaf ear
being defensive
maintaining your cool

avoiding the truth
refusing to look at facts
pretending everything's fine
ignoring the warning signs
closing your eyes to what's going on
avoiding an unpleasantness
choosing not to know

being at a stalemate
feeling afraid to act
reaching an impasse
staying stuck
refusing to decide
being unwilling to rock the boat
staying on the fence
Two of Swords - You are stalemated in your affairs and you don't know which direction to go next. You seek a new approach, but your emotions are involved which make it difficult to decide what to do. You desire to be a peacemaker, so you are reluctant to express your opinions unless you are forced to. Wanting order and stability - you seek to maintain calm through your balanced rationality, which causes you to deny your intuitions. It is the "conflict" between your opinions and others which is causing the stalemate and indecision.

There is no confusion here - you have deliberately closed your eyes so that you will not have to choose between friend and enemy - the very choice which is your first step to involving yourself with people again. In your attempts to protect yourself you have closed off your heart - blocked your emotions, trying to hold them within. This attempt to stop your emotions is virtually making you more emotional. You are trying to think and act - not from your center - but from your own constricted emotions.

Seek your solution through your "inner" guidance - the answers will be provided and vivid peace restored. Recognize that when you are unable to see your options - your rationality is of no help. Stop trying to "force" things to happen prematurely. Listen to the swell of your emotions - then you will KNOW when the tide has turned and it is time to act. Mental clarity and balance may require removing yourself from the action. Get away from it all to see the truth and in this state of detachment and non-involvement, you can see with non-judgmental awareness. Allow your higher consciousness to decide on an action according to the higher laws and values of the Universe. Experience your faculties of analysis - the creative power of your thought. Peace will soon be restored - you will know clarity and balance as you bring the two issues together into a state of resolution. There will be recognition and success - do not allow this situation to upset you.

The entrance of the "other" at the mental level - the recognition of an alternative, then the action in relation to that choice. Decision. The desire and ability to identify and understand the other side. Arbitration, debate, defining position or opposition. Objectivity, a second opinion, review, negotiation, compromise, truce, compatibility, contracts, tact, diplomacy. To agree, to unite mentally.

Questions to Answer: What are you hesitating to do? With whom do you have to make peace or reconcile? What are you struggling to maintain in balance? What decision would you prefer not to make? What would you prefer not to know about?

Monday, April 02, 2007

Card Ten: 8 of swords

Tenth House: 8 of Swords

This was the card I drew on Jan 1 for the rest of the year for Pisces. Funny how it falls now in my 10th house of career and achievement, Pluto in Pisces 10th house retrograding now shows more power/career energies at play this year.

So many options, are my hands tied or am I THINKING it's stressful when it's not, because i won't open my eyes and look at the options. There's always a back door and a way out (no sword behind her) and it's not a prison, it's just mentally doing too much or being too abstract or turning back on established security (castle).

Red is passion, so don't let aggressive side get in the way of clarity of mind. Career advancement and public life now is not so much OUT THERE but IN HERE and its about the mind and information and "looking within"/ Stop looking outside for manifestation this year, and career change, it's about how I think on the inside (mixed with feeling, the red robes).

Mental energies are the way ahead this year, true focus. Eyes on the prize. The tower looms over my head, so I'm already at the top it's not about the climb but being mentally at peace with every step of the journey. Showing (over head) strength and structure. Thinking on my feet.

Could be mentally tied up with so many ideas and projects but it's about keeping a clear and clean head. Focusing on what is being built and the final structure. Let nothing else come to mind but the final structure. The final manifestation and feeling of achievement and peace, mental harmony.

8 is power - and swords are thought. MIND POWER manifests career and public success.

feeling restricted
being fenced in by obstacles
staying in a limited situation
feeling trapped by circumstances
experiencing few options
being blind to freedom
feeling persecuted

feeling confused
being unsure which way to turn
feeling at a loss
lacking direction
feeling overwhelmed
floundering around
needing guidance and clarity
not understanding what is happening

feeling powerless
waiting for outside rescue
doubting anything you do will help
avoiding responsibility
looking for a white knight
feeling victimized
accepting inaction
Eight of Swords - Your "ego" represents the non-trusting, doubting, over-analytical part of your mind which is unable to make any decisions - always feeling very restricted, experiencing hurt or anxiety. Recognize now that your vision has been blocked because of the fear you feel "inside" - it is creating confusion. Trying to battle more than one issue at a time will always create indecision and cause you to waste precious energy on minor details. You are unable to think clearly now - you need help and sensible advice. Pull back now, go deep inside - seek peace and allow your "inner" voice to direct you. Stop believing you will be swamped by your emotions if you take a step toward your goals - recognize that you have done this to yourself and begin to focus on developing your potentials. Stop fearing success and power - accept the beast within you. See your abilities clearly and loose your passions - you have restrained yourself from activity long enough, avoiding the present by trying to convince yourself that there are no alternatives. These beliefs keep you hemmed in - they always provide reasons why nothing will work.

You are not being held back by direct force, but by your training - this belief in your own helplessness and your blind acceptance of what you have been taught. The recognition of your ignorance is the first step to true knowledge - without enlightenment you will never be able to say "this is the truth, this is the way things really are". Recognize now that nothing prevents you from leaving - you are bound only by your own "illusions".

Balance your mind. Use your creativity and imagination and your logic and reason in equal proportions. Integrate these opposite poles of consciousness. Structure your creative visions into meaningful order of thought and action. See both sides and seek out the common points - bring the opposition together and you will find your genius.

The objective, conscious mind reaches the limits of the lower "ego", which under the impact and pull of the higher emotions and compassion - realizes that to achieve even its most personal and self-oriented goals it must advance to a more mature "Ego" which encompasses more of the Universal Mind. The mind has opened to include extensions of the personal self with a mate and children and a widening circle of close friends. Now the circle must open even further. A variety of new challenges are presented with increased demands from your mental Karmic Contract. Your first reaction is to close your eyes to the magnitude of the tasks. Greater responsibility. The mind's role in organizing is challenged by the higher order of consciousness realized as the higher emotions' compassion and universal love bring new sensations, new data that defies rationalization. To rationalize this new process is precisely what the mind must do. With this greater ability to see the extent of order in the above, so grows the ability to see the extent of disorder in the below. The effect of the combination of the lower mental levels. Creative fruitation and self-assured expression in which the lower ego is pulsing with its potential and must pair with the maturing process of uncertainty and freedom that undergirds free will.

Questions to Answer: What actions, plans or ideas are being blocked by circumstances beyond your control? What would you like to do if you could get rid of the obstacles and blocks? Who or what could assist you to break free? What benefits do you receive by not acting? What is interfering with your creative expressions? Or your ability to communicate?

Card Nine: 4 of Swords

Ninth House - 4 of Swords

As far as beliefs and philosophies go - rest is the best course of action, best defence (armour), and distance and time out gives space to decide on the best course of action.

This could be taking a break by taking a trip (9th travel) or resting from all this knowledge gathering and dispersal or there is peace now found in doing so. 4s are grounded and here we have grounded ideas and thoughts and peace of mind (swords are intellect) so balanced perspective and a workable (and livable) philosophy this year comes from taking time out to think things through, "sleeping on it" and resting before leaping or deciding.'

Walling myself with certain strict beliefs will only put me under the gun, timeclock or knife (swords hanging above) and there's truly no need to protect yourself from the truth if the truth liberates you.

So being sure of myself will enable me to feel at peace this year knowing I'm doing what's "right" for myself in any given moment. Balanced perspective is freedom.

taking a break
giving your body time to heal
avoiding overexertion
finding peace and quiet
relaxing body and soul
taking life easy

gaining a better perspective
listening for your Inner Voice
taking time alone to think
standing back from the situation
examining your motivations
reviewing where you are

quietly preparing
consolidating inner resources
making sure your base is secure
getting ready for the future
coming to terms with what is
tieing up loose ends
Four of Swords - The negotiating mind - the meditating mind which is flexible, committed to staying in balance and non-positional. Maintain balance on all four levels - mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Move through these conflicting issues and resolve them. Stabilize yourself - rest and take this time to think of new plans. Your dreams will come true but you must wait. Things are changing - prepare your mind and make your plans. Give yourself time - this situation is getting better. There is no hurry now - consider this a convalescent period - a time to renew both your physical and mental energies and establish your thoughts.

Be willing now to face the issues, pay attention and tell the truth. Do not be concerned with the outcome, for it will be as it was meant to be. Establish your own sense of order and harmony. Build a solid foundation upon which you can expand. Withdrawal can lead to healing - allowing you to recoup your strength by holding back from the fight until there is a better chance to win and giving yourself time to recover from deep hurt and wounding. However, withdrawal - even for the purpose of recovery - can shut a person off from the world, creating a kind of spell that only an outside energy can break. Has your confident mask grown too heavy? Have you responded to your difficulties by isolating yourself - preferring to hide from the world rather than show your other side or try to work with people, flattening your emotional reactions and trying to hide them deep inside yourself?

Meditative composure, a well-centered mentality - a mental plateau. Mental stability, reliability - a centering of thoughts before going on, mental foundation. An introspective turn of the mind, but not in the sense of the Hermit. A break in the "affairs of the day" so that you may soon return refreshed and ready to "do battle" again. Here is the completion of mental projects - graduations/certifications. A laying of mental foundations. Introspection. Strong sense of identity, self-worth. Planning, fundamental understanding - rationality, practicality, facts, objectivity, order - a need for cleanliness, discipline, obedience, law, control, self-confidence and patience.

Questions to Answer: From what do you need to rest or retreat? Where do you need to focus your energies in order to recuperate your strength? What can you do to gain a better perspective and be fair and just in this situation? What kind of professional assistance would help most?

Saturday, March 31, 2007

House Eight: 8 of Coins

Eight House: 8 of Coins

There's work to be done in this area of life. Shared resources, intimacy, sex and power. There's a lot been built so far, and this continues now. Elbow work. Going the extra mile. Building on the success to date, going deeper by displaying talents, perfecting and continuing. Don't give up now.

Discipline and focus can be used in the house areas - gaining self-mastery, power, cutting out bad habits, letting go. instead of death it's now 'what can be created'. Instead of going into dark (or wasteful spaces) make something! Use your power, don't just feel i or ride it. Put it to use in the physical world for ultimate success and power.

This is a money card and in the 8th of others money, they are willing to give you gifts and invest (could be lotto could be a fun or heads-up to help you out). Your work brings you the power you desire, and also the fulfillment. Sex to you is the achievement of work! Doing it well and showing off. Demonstrating your skills will increase your ultimate pleasure on a soul level (deep 8th house stuff).

Drawing up a blueprint of what you want - in your sex life for year ahead especially, since it's a major focus in a Scorpio Rising year (and lifetime). What are you working on? Can you show off your skills here? You can let go, or you can COME..into something. Come into yourself, into your work. Make something of your depth and your depth will make something of you.

showing diligence
making an effort
working hard
applying yourself totally
being absorbed in a project
dedicating yourself to a task
plugging away
producing steady results

increasing knowledge
taking a course
learning a new craft or skill
receiving training
pursuing greater understanding
finding out the facts
increasing expertise

paying attention to detail
being painstaking
being extra careful
approaching a task methodically
getting down to the nitty-gritty
handling all the loose ends
checking and rechecking
noticing the fine points

Eight of Pentacles - Allow yourself to experience your prudence and wisdom - your training has brought both discipline and skill. You have strong characteristics - prepare for your future - continue to study and learn your trade, skill or profession. You may not be receiving much monetary gain at this time but you are definitely on the right track. Continue to develop your abilities and refine your skills. Remain dedicated to your personal goal - it may seem far off, but you should continue to establish your power and use it wisely. Always keep your goal in focus - work on it even when it seems tedious.

Staying healthy and whole requires constant change. Adapt to ever-changing realities - remain flexible, versatile and adaptable. Some situations will call on all your energy just to keep going, hoping for things to get better. The repetition of your activities gives you a sense of security. If you want to be recognized for your craftsmanship - you must be willing to undergo an apprenticeship to develop your strengths. You do things with the belief that they are worthy of your time and effort. Look forward to the future, plan your moves and prudently prepare things in advance. Keep yourself renewed, alert, creative and stimulated - unfold and begin to branch out. One form of learning is to take care of yourself and your own needs - to get your finances and resources in order. Do not move in the extremes now by over-extending yourself externally - operate from your internal center. Your greatest skill is knowing both your medium and your message so well that you work in harmony with their natures and they function together at their best. You must care about your work, it must relate to the world. If it does not serve the community - it will lack any real meaning.

The effect of the highest order of emotions on the Physical Plane, wherein the physical aspires to the spiritual as indeed the spiritual has aspired to the physical through your incarnation. There is increase in productivity with the joy of proper work. your physical/material foundation itself moves forward. Pleasure in material things in a very positive sense as you begin to truly see and experience the pulse of God in nature and all things material, organic and inorganic. Your environmental support systems are in place and working - you efficiently identify with them as they are literally extensions of your self. Great enjoyment of physical exertion, whether work or leisure. Physical prowess. Dedicated, mature worker. Good use of power and resources. Thoroughness, precision - the physical level produces quality and quantity that surpasses individual needs, surpasses extended family needs offering the excess of its efficiency to the greater good of all who require it. This is the efficient use of material resources and manpower to the aggrandizement of both. Less makes more. Here the total exceeds the sum of its parts. Teamwork, physically coordinated with others as group output takes priority. Lower and higher reality combine here to great effect. The equal accommodation of these that sets the stage for the next step. Recognition and honoring of the physical origin (father) which is looking backward to the past together with the honoring of the product (son) which becomes the new physical origin with an eye to the future. An air of magic given to the efficient and prodigious output now possible.

Questions to Answer: What are you working on or preparing ahead of time? What skill or craft are you learning? What details do you need to examine and take care of? How can you create a regular time and place to work? What preparations do you need to make? What are you doing to take care of your health and well-being?

Card Seven: 5 of Cups

Seventh House: 5 of Cups

Relationships and partnerships are defined by disappointment, what doesn't work out, what doesn't connect, bridges burned, doors closing, things going 'wrong', mistakes, errors, messes.

From this comes the solid foundation (castle in distance) of what is wanted. So using the - to get to the + as it were.

Not being led astray by what the 'other' is doing. it would be too easy to see what's not going according to the plan set out by your own ego. You don't know, can't know what someone else is feeling or doing. Don't guess.

Saying goodbye to some relationships. But the cups behind show a lot of good is here and waiting if you can take your eyes off what you DON'T WANT and what u have and want. Go from there.

Past relationships are easy to get dragged into again - facing left, the figure looks at the actions of spilled milk (or whine...haha this was a typo but I'll leave it in). Is it wine or blood? Who cares. It's spilled. Move on.

Standing complaining and not cleaning up or trying to, will only delay healing.

Any partnership now is faced with the question - how do we resolve this? How do we clean this up? At least you both know what you have to work on. Makes life easier than being in the dark. So divisions and boundaries help.

Emotional upset is far worse than any physical stress. This is a cups card. Your heart is heavy, and you're letting past disappointment ground you down too far. Stay buoyant. The heavy feeling can just as easily be turned to lightness if there's willingness. Not all cups are spilled and never are - is it half full or empty?

suffering a loss
letting go of a hope
giving up the win
experiencing a setback
being defeated
having a possession taken away
saying good-bye

feeling bereft
breaking up a relationship
feeling deprived of love
longing to be reunited
feeling sorrow

feeling regret
being disappointed by events
crying over spilt milk
wanting to turn back the clock
wishing for what might have been
believing you made the wrong choice
acknowledging mistakes
Five of Cups - Disappointment is the result of emotional attachment to an expectation that has gone unfulfilled. The "negative" mind views this as a loss and the outcome is sadness and heartache, which takes a while to heal. You find it hard to explain the turmoil you feel inside, the lack of harmony. You never sufficiently appreciate something until you have lost it. Letting go of a person or a lifestyle takes time. You are experiencing grief and learning to transcend deep loss. When something you have put your heart and soul into has not worked out, you experience disappointment, loss of harmony and doubt in the very beliefs that have sustained you. Turning your grief inward is appropriate for a short time. Actual healing takes place when you throw off the sorrow, pick up the pieces and renew your interactions with loving friends.

Focus all your energy on a new project. Set your goals, but live in the moment. Release your attachment to "expected" outcomes and "cross the bridges as you come to them." Release yourself from heartache - accept your loss and release the sorrow. Make a conscious, determined choice to pick up the pieces and move forward towards your future - seek a new beginning.

Freedom and uncertainty - a multiplicity of choice at the emotional/creative level. The dilemma - how to preserve the order and discipline from your foundation while moving forward. Movement, but the activity is within a limited range while there is pause for reparation by the heart. Represents lack of movement, a pause. Testing the waters of your emotional world, determining where and how to enhance it. The beginning of the need for priorities to grow into the extensions of self, family and close friends. On the positive side of this coin you see an easy going, light-hearted nature, agreeability, adaptability, openness, multifaceted personality, refreshing presence, emotional independence, unfettered creative originality. Sadness, disappointment, frustration, guild/shame/conscience, hesitation when appropriate. The positive effect of a brainstorming mind on the emotions.

Questions to Answer: What does it seem you have lost? What do you despair over? What are you disillusioned or disappointed with? What do you feel sorry about? What are some possible alternatives to what you have lost? What awaits your attention? What have you learned from your mistakes?

Card Six: Knight of Rods

Knights are energy in motion, directed, with a purpose. Here it's firepower again, initiation, activation. Fueled into the 6th house of work, health, job and service.

Health: conquering new land. Strength. Trying new approaches. Heating up if stressed, fever, headache etc (dragon on the head). being hot-heated leads to this. Cool down, get outside more - more sunshine.

Job: New projects, self employment, taking the lead. New avenues, lot of energy directed into this. In command! Could be working alongside strong fire energy, a Leo or Sag perhaps. It's bright, energetic and fun. No need to fight, or prove, just enjoy the leadership you already have and contain.

Yellow is mental power - so activating mind with movement. Doing it and thinking about it, same time. Fwd movement in this. Progress in purpose.

is physically attractive..........focuses on style and appearance
disarms opposition with a smile..........can be thoughtless and insensitive
is sexy and seductive..........pursues sexual conquests
generates glamour and excitement..........avoids deep or serious matters
is honey-tongued..........may say or do what's expedient

totally lacks self-doubt..........overestimates abilities
has a can-do attitude..........may boast and brag
is convinced of his or her talent..........exaggerates accomplishments
is self-assured at all brash and nervy
doesn't sweat the small sometimes presumptuous

will risk anything without reckless and rash
will tackle what others avoid..........will endanger self and others
is the first to volunteer for danger..........doesn't give danger due respect
loves being a impetuous
boldly goes where no one has gone a daredevil

loves travel and new never content to be still
seeks novelty and change..........can't set down roots or make ties
makes things happen..........lacks inner peace and serenity
rises to every challenge..........won't stop to smell the roses
is footloose and fancy-free..........must have constant stimulation

is easily roused to action..........angers easily
feels strong too ready for a fight
feels everything powerfully..........lashes out when riled
takes a vocal stand..........often acts without thinking
jumps in with both feet.........may have a chip on his or her shoulder
Knight of Wands - The dynamic mastery of unlimited creative expression totally inspired from within - freed to powerfully express itself. You are capable of doing anything - never limit yourself. Be versatile and adaptable - strive for greater mastery over your mind, heart and body.

Expect someone to present thoughts or ideas which will be advantageous to you - inspiring your creativity and taking you in new directions. This is the start or finish of an important situation which may require a possible change of residence. You will feel compelled to make sudden decisions related to the important aspects of your living and working conditions - to move in new directions, to create a new beginning or venture into new fields. Thoughts are now stirring. You have the power to influence and transform, to heal - liberate your spirit. As a channel for the great spirit, you become enlightened and an enlightener - transcend your personal ego.

Eagerness, action, movement, adventure and travel need a grounding influence. Allied with a sense of purpose and aided by the influence of planning - you can provide the energy and self- confidence necessary for great achievements. Focus your mind now - concentrate, pay attention to the details if you wish to manifest your desires. The trials and difficulties will demand vigorous attention - conflict can arise if your plans are not made carefully. Your mind is positive and alert now, use it constructively.

Intuitive, spiritual, vibrant, fiery, introspective, humorous - a defender of ideologies. Change agent for beliefs. Benevolent, dedicated - a natural leader. Student of religion, enlightenment and intellectual growth. New world views coupled with intuitive action - a disciple.

Questions to Answer: How are you growing and developing? How are you taking risks? Who is radiating creative or sexual energy in your life? Who enthusiastically wants to get going on something?

Card Five: 10 of Wands

Fifth House: The 10 of Wands

An abundance of creative projects this year. Wands are energy inspiration, fire-power, initiation. And here we could suffer burnout if there isn't a clear direction. Where's it all leading? I get the impression I may not know for the long haul this year but the long haul is all that matters. A lot on my hands, project wise (5th house is about creativity). A lot of fun but it may not seem so at times because I'm too focused on what I'm creating. Get a bigger picture.

The ten is the peak, the final card of the suit. So there's the final chapter of a long awaited or long worked for project.

Suitors are widespread - since the 5th is love relationships, dates, fun times. Can I have fun or am i so consumed with what I'm creating? Will the creations take over?

Playing and the joy of creating must not be squashed by the very act of creation this year. Remember the direction and enjoy the journey. Don't block your light by trying to show off too much of what you can do. Giving matters more than 'are they receiving?'. Receiving isn't your job now, it's to give all of who you are.

trying to do too much
refusing to say "no"
taking all the blame
assuming another's debt
doing the lion's share
having to work overtime
shouldering all the work
being saddled with an extra load

feeling burdened
never having time to relax
feeling tied to a treadmill
being taxed to the limit
assuming responsibility
being held accountable
carrying out an unpleasant duty
cleaning up a messy situation
being left holding the bag

fighting uphill
doing everything the hard way
experiencing resistance
pushing against the current
having to work for every gain
finding that nothing comes easily
Ten of Wands - You have been under pressure and experienced many changes in your lifetime. Your creativity has been blocked because you have taken on too many responsibilities. You are experiencing an oppressive burden both physically and mentally. Dynamic change will "seem" impossible when you are burdened by too great a load or too many activities. When you take on other people's cares and projects - you are unable to take time for yourself. Your vision becomes blocked by the immediate concerns of day-to-day drudgeries. Re-consider the tremendous responsibilities you have taken on. Do you actually prefer life this way or are you purposely holding yourself back?

Has your eagerness to please others involved you in so many situations that your energy is weighed down with commitments and problems? Do you want to be free to travel, to seek adventure and new involvements - yet find yourself caught in an endless circle of responsibilities - family, financial and work? Do you take on all the total weight of your relationships - always trying to smooth whatever problems, conflicts or dissatisfactions arise - actually struggling to keep a relationship going while the other person is not even aware of what is happening?

You have created these situations yourself - by acting without thinking or taking on a new problem simply for the challenge. In practical or emotional affairs - other approaches are possible - recognize now that these burdens can be avoided. Consider now if your burdens are real or if they are serving as an excuse to avoid doing something really constructive with your life - such as allowing yourself to break away from a bad situation?

Begin to stretch the limits and boundaries you have placed on yourself - extend yourself. Confront your fear of success and begin to move forward and grow. Experience the unfamiliar and grow in understanding. See with greater clarity your subconscious fears, your intuitive wisdom and your personal power. Teach yourself to be at home anywhere; to be versatile, adaptable and flexible.

The completion of a major spiritual cycle, with outcomes as God would have them. The ultimate extension of the self in the Spiritual Plane. The merging of God within (self-will/man's will) with the god without (God's will). Hard work and so correctly communicates the paradox of spiritual fulfillment as more work, more responsibility - not less. Our path leads ever to more work, but we are ever more capable of handling it. Things get both harder and easier. Duality - the completion of one cycle is merely the preparation for the next even greater task. A knowing relationship with the Divine, a hands-on working knowledge of the endless cycle of underlying ultimate truths. The soul in control - a spiritual master in the making. Not only do we have the wisdom which is the ability to manage knowledge, here is the Wisdom which is the ability to manage spirit. Spiritual longevity, individual spirit identified with universal spirit - a dedicated life to whom much is given and much is required. Wisdom.

Questions to Answer: What responsibilities are weighing heavily on your shoulders? What are you feeling burdened with? What is your goal? When will you get there? Who or what is restricting you and keeping you from manifesting your full radiant energy? Why have you taken on these responsibilities? How can you best use your powers and energies?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Card Four: The Hanged Man

Fourth House: The Hanged Man

Gut feeling wise (a very 4th house thing) says that it'll be a year of personal revolution. Turning feelings around and finding more detachment from them. Turning them on their heads. Uprooting (I'm planning on moving) and finding something (a place and way of being) that reflects my newfound independence and freedom (Uranus is in my natal 4th house right now and the Solar Eclipse fell there this month).

So CHANGE, but a gentle, calm, self created one, which is good to see. Seeing things from a different perspective. A new and unusual home (and home life). The Hanged Man is connected to the element of Water) so bringing water into the home, living by the water, or just a lot more feeling at home. Possible water issues as a reflection of this. I already cut my finger when I tipped the water cooler onto my hand and it fell, this happened week or so ago).

Looks like more time for meditation and 'hanging' lol. Taking it easy. Using the mind more (yet this is a water card, will have to do some research to get further into this symbol). it seems to be about using the head more (head is nearer the ground of the card). Yet also remaining in the air about things, not touching down (one foot is tied). Stay grounded in the realm of thought? Channeling ideas. Balancing head and feeling again?

I truly see the meditative side of this card - at home, I'll need to become more detached from old feelings, my past. To reserve judgment of self (through judging others too). Blue and red - my two colors, combine here as hot and cold, neither too much of one. Hands aren't tied, it's a choice to not decide or act. One foot is weighted so that structure can be attained and some form of roots while the other foot 'tests the water'...or the air.

CLOUD behind = so much mental activity inside. Stalemate perhaps and something its a sign of sacrifice this card, but I see it as a refreshing year where comfort comes from detaching and thinking things through or letting things be. Emotionally, a time of taking a break from heavy feelings and pondering them instead. Great for my writing again...

letting go
having an emotional release
accepting what is
surrendering to experience
ending the struggle
being vulnerable and open
giving up control
accepting God's will

turning the world around
changing your mind
overturning old priorities
seeing from a new angle
upending the old order
doing an about-face

suspending action
pausing to reflect
feeling outside of time
taking time to just be
giving up urgency
living in the moment
waiting for the best opportunity

being a martyr
renouncing a claim
putting self-interest aside
going one step back to go two steps forward
giving up for a higher cause
putting others first

The Hanged Man - After the crisis of seeing what you have made of your life comes the peace of acceptance. Love alone can effect the transformation to "obedience" through which your will is able to "perceive" the revelations from above which inspire, direct and strengthen you. Your choice to obey renders your will capable of receiving the divine call from above - the gift of faith - the union of your will to Gods will, leaving behind the powers of thought and imagination.

Authentic faith produces absolute certainty as you pierce the barriers of your limited consciousness and avail yourself to the higher wisdom. Allow yourself now to experience the power of "stillness" and you will be blessed with truth. Look above your present situation - prepare your mind for new and innovative ideas - a complete and unexpected change at home and at work. Trust and have faith that there are unexpected views, attitudes or decisions on the horizon.

Your heart is the center of LOVE - it abolishes distance and has the power to make all things present. God is present in a heart that is glowing with love, for this heart perceives His spiritual warmth and learns not to reject anything...for authentic faith renders everything truly useful - it gives value, meaning and purpose to everything. Do the opposite of what your "ego" ordinarily expects and you will achieve victory. Release your self-aspirations, be patient, accept yourself - understand your limitations and success will soon follow. Look at what you have hidden - turn your shadows into light and you will control the forces which control your life.

It is the process of your "ego" or "waking" mind to first think - it must first imagine, feel and desire before it will finally choose to "act". Your Higher Self "acts" first - then it desires to KNOW, then it feels the worth of its action and lastly it understands - for its FAITH is the firm assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen. Your "will" KNOWS while your mind and imagination "have not yet seen or understood".

You will now experience the reversal of attitude and experience that comes through spiritual awakening as you are taken out of the ordinary consciousness - that of reason, memory and sensual perception. You will learn to "act" before your thought and imagination have understood what your action implies. While everyone else is frenzied - you will know peace. While other people "believe" themselves to be free, yet are pushed from one thing to another by forces which they do not understand - you will achieve true freedom by understanding and embracing those forces. You KNOW that you must seek solitude wherever you find tension - for in solitude you live, develop spiritual temperament, breath spiritual air, quench your spiritual thirst and satisfy your spiritual hunger. In solitude - you are in control, poised on an "inner" level, centered in peace and through chaos you maintain serenity by reversing the usual way of living and finding contentment. Pause now, be willing to listen and observe things as they really are - not as they "appear" to be on the surface. Suspend your decision-making and remain passive now - use your sympathy, tact and maintain tolerance by centering yourself within.

You still fear that there will be risk and sacrifice in your decision to abandon your worldly values and plunge into the depths of "Self" to seek the inner reality needed to become whole - but from this sacrifice, from your willingness to put aside the world for a while and experiment with the "inner" experience will come enlightenment and renewal. Accept your fate and you will be re-born.

When you try to evaluate any situation based solely on your limited, conflicting beliefs - you will always feel powerless. LOVE does not demand any sacrifice. Sacrifice is nothing more than your own passive surrender to fear and despair. As you try to hold two conflicting ideas simultaneously and equally in your mind - you actually stalemate yourself. "FEEL" the spiritual power within you - allow yourself to surrender to it. Experience it, "feel" the great power and excitement which exists in the midst of complete calm. Withdraw to your "inner" awareness and allow yourself to BE who you are - even if everyone thinks you have everything backwards - allow yourself to experience the calming peace. Be willing now to make your mind a clear, reflective vessel. Suspend your judgments and your expectations so that you might receive higher knowledge.

New - Emotional development, you swing from passionate to compassionate, from inner to outer, from self to others. Opening of the heart chakra allowing others easier access. Life becomes more public as you externalize and extend yourself into your environment. Major emotional shift. Major emotional change, literally turned upside down as the spiritual descends to your emotional level. Voluntary self-sacrifice to a greater good without sacrificing the self. As the self gives, it gets larger. As the heart gives, it grows. An ability and willingness to accept suffering. The open heart is a trusting heart. A change of heart - the heart working vertically to balance the mind and body.

Questions to Answer: What do you expect from the sacrifices you are making? What are you devoted to? How are you hung up? What do you need to get straight? What do you need to give up? What are you trying to escape? How are you seeking higher knowledge?

Card Three: Knight of Cups

Third House: Knight of Cups

Collecting emotional information from the surroundings. Emotional knowledge. Emotions injected into words and thought and therefore movement. The moving of feeling. A forward progression using emotions as a driving force and fuel.

Thoughts have wings (helmet) and emotions are the grounding force since this is still a water card. What emotions are driving my ideas?

Written work progresses, emotional investment moves it forward. Great for my books and writing in general. An offer of further radio, magazine work. Travel in connection with work (I'm going to Santa Barbara for a Reading with a New York Author, after a successful reading here in LA of her work, entitled Sex Scenes).

Heart and Head connected. Water + Air in the House of Air. Do feelings cloud rational communication? Am I airing my feelings? Sounds like the conflict in ym birth chart between Mercury and the Moon which I forgot about until now. Maybe it's time to look at that. Mercury in Pisces square the Moon in Sagittarius. Thinking before speaking, and feeling before thinking? Or using words now for something useful (Sag publishing) instead of venting off air for no reason. USE words and emotionally powerful ones for a reason now. To further knowledge, books, information. A great year for this for my communication reach. I'm going places with my mouth, mind and words.

Collecting or being given more pieces of the jigsaw. Collecting things - emotional imprints on what I want and need. And being able to keep these in mind. What do I want, What Do I need, What Do I feel? Ask these often this year.

Communicating with my unconscious more ( I started a Dream Journal a few days ago!) and keeping tabs on my emotional energy and where my thoughts are (inject more feeling into my thoughts for ultimate success!)

idealizes love..........lacks self-restraint
emphasizes often jealous
concentrates on the poetry of life..........tends to be gushy and melodramatic
remembers special occasions..........blows hot and cold in affections
expresses sentiments beautifully..........brings flowers, but forgets to put gas in the car

can tap the fertile unconscious..........indulges in idle daydreams
looks beyond the obvious..........has big ideas that come to nothing
never takes the mundane path..........has an unrealistic approach
spins marvelous tales..........has an overactive imagination
is visionary..........can shade the truth

is aware of moods and prone to mood swings
helps others open up..........can be petulant and sulky
responds deeply to life..........gels melancholy and depressed
understands the pains of others..........broods excessively
is tactful and diplomatic..........takes offense easily

appreciates beauty in all forms..........leaves dirty work to others
seeks the finest..........can't face unpleasantness
creates a pleasing environment..........lacks robust good health
understands subtlety..........emphasizes style over substance
is suave and gracious..........gets overwhelmed by pressure

values the inner life..........focuses inward to excess
tries to understand why..........avoids active participation
questions driven to self-examination
seeks self-improvement..........exaggerates personal failings
sees below the surface..........can't relax around others
Knight of Cups - Represents the passionate heart - mastery of the emotional desires which bring out the "lover" in all of us through the expressions and experience of deeply emotional passions. Relationships with Karmic ties. You may be offered an interesting invitation, which will result in an emotional experience that will bring high energy and lift you to an exhilarating state as new situations seem to come from nowhere. Your decisions will be made without much thought and you will experience the feeling of "inner" direction - the experience of warmth, friendliness, love and the need to share these qualities with everyone. There will be good will and a partnership in which good feelings will prevail.

Direct your imagination into the world - true imagination feeds on "action." If you do nothing with your dreams - they will remain vague and unrelated to the rest of your life. Your imagination can lead you to an awareness of the underlying spiritual truth. Maintain your emotional equilibrium - make constant adjustments - flow with the direction being presented and retain your "inner" control. Take advantage of your emotional energies - be open and trust yourself. Explore your deep feelings and you will experience the ecstasy of living.

"Fantasy" - excites, but it lacks any real meaning as you deny your basic commitment to the world and your imagination produces nothing. "Passiveness" can be a means of denying the temptations and desires that are disturbing your peace. The "lover" who does not wish to commit to anything - who is attractive yet always remains passive and withdrawn. Follow a genuine vision, rather than being "pulled" by outside commitments, responsibility or desire - then you can go very deeply into yourself and turn your energy into an exploration of your own inner world.

Emotional, sensitive, creative, dedicated, motivated, sensual, tender - a loving person ruled by the drive for expansion. Close ties with family and friends - a defender of heart and honor. The heart of the group, a leader or volunteer. Art. Emotional change agent - nurturing, emotional learning and growth. The younger lover of an older partner or someone taken under the wing of an emotional advisor. Innocence maturing - a student of romance. Sacrificing for someone or something else.

Questions to Answer: What dream, vision, ideal or love are you following? Who is inviting you on a journey of emotional significance?

Card Two: The Moon

Second House: The Moon

Interesting in that the Moon appears in my Astrological Solar Return Chart for the year ahead also in my Second House. Odds of that are pretty amazing (78 cards, around 10 planetary placements and 12 houses). So a pretty great sign of change here in this house. The Moon here shows emotions connected to finance. Ideas from the unconscious bring money. Also fear of course. Harnessing the unconscious realms, the savage wolf and the tamed dog of my nature. Its a union of body-mind-soul here. They all face the Moon, so I need to look to my feelings to feel secure, grounded and from there find abundance. Comfort = wealth! Find that feeling first and the money will follow. Towering strength (the towers) and building to the Moon (putting a man on the financial moon this year). Buying a home, since Moon is home. Investing in my emotional well-being and my domestic den and comfort. Nice. I need this. And I can have it, here where comfort and grounding meet my emotional watery realm.

Met needs create security and a feeling of well-being which creates wealth. Therefore wealth must come from a feeling of well-being, based on meeting security needs. Work from the inside out this year, financially. Look to the heart and soul and build on that, first. The money and security and self-worth and satisfaction will follow.

Water and money are lucky - work by the ocean, when it's raining, or else the financial tides are coming in, in my favor. Beautiful.

feeling fear
releasing inner demons
feeling a nameless apprehension
suffering from phobias
giving in to the shadow self
lacking courage
being overcome by anxieties

believing illusions
accepting a false picture
deceiving yourself
having unrealistic ideas
misapprehending the truth
experiencing distortions
chasing after a fantasy

stimulating the imagination
having vivid dreams or visions
opening to fantasy
plumbing the unconscious
entertaining unusual thoughts
being outlandish and bizarre

feeling bewildered
losing direction and purpose
having trouble thinking clearly
becoming confused
being easily distracted
feeling disoriented
wandering aimlessly
The Moon - Aim to evoke a conscious desire to go further than intelligence - the understanding of that which is and decide to make a "leap" into pure and simply creativity. Intuition of faith - participation in the becoming of what is to be. Bring inner ecstasy back into your consciousness. Allow your intuitive powers to guide you - the change has come, even though it does not show. Make notes of your dreams and intuitive feelings - be more independent now and trust your own feelings. Build your own security - clear the air and let others know where you stand. Without faith you can easily succumb to failure because there is nothing to support your goals and ideals in life. Spontaneous knowledge is the marriage of your intelligence and your wisdom, united by "grace" - the knowledge of God. It is the vow of "poverty" made by your intelligence to reduce itself to silence in order to listen - it is your vow of "love".

Your unconscious, instead of shocking your intelligence - allies itself with it. In the beginning, your unconscious and your intelligence have so little in common that communication is entirely through "dreams" - the state of consciousness where intelligence remains passive. This communication is extended to the waking state and finally, no longer unconscious - your intelligence and wisdom unite in the conscious state of "intuition". Organization and sleep are the keys. During sleep - waste is eliminated and your hopes and wishes are built.

There is great activity and intense emotion now - your subconscious is actively creating sensitivity - be alert to any possible deception. Never use your powers negatively - go deep within and seek peace. Your dream landscape is formed by your emotions - use this unconscious state for your conscious purpose - it is an efficient, natural therapy in which your physical body-building takes place. Here you work out your own destiny, by exploring probable actions - which become false when not actualized. Move through the distortions and fears into the light of truth. Be changeable, allow yourself to "flow" with the different phases of life.

Your "conscience" is the direct communication between your intelligence and higher wisdom. Conscience manifests as a "warning" - expressing disapproval of an action before it is executed and remorse for an action already committed. Conscience also manifests itself as an "impulse" - recommending an action before it is executed and producing serene joy after execution. Conscience is the door to an "inner" world far more profound than the world you perceive with your senses - it is the decision of your intelligence to become a servant of your conscience.

Complete "silence" of your intelligence, imagination and will can not be accomplished by your human will - it is accomplished only through Divine presence. It is the mutual love between the soul and God. "Knowing better" is the state of consciousness which is present once you have reviewed all your total efforts and the results obtained from those efforts. Recognize now that you are only playing around on the surface of things - behind the surface is a tremendous organization that is very much alive and "active" and you are allowed to participate in your dreams and meditations. What you wish to be is your responsibility - an artist must concentrate. You must decide what it is you want to be and then your meditation will help you discover what is and what is not true about yourself, for it puts you in touch with your Innermost Self - which is your guide. Your imagination - once accepted, enriches your life and allows a calming peace to emerge. Look deeply into yourself - your imagination can distort - it is a reflection of your "inner" experience into the outer world. Remember your dreams and you will KNOW your past which will assist you in understanding your present. Once you have mastered something, you no longer "think" about it, you just respond automatically. Is something from the past - something you have forgotten - still effecting your current situation and causing you to respond with actions that are inappropriate?

You can not explain "art" by examining the material used to create it. You will soon learn to laugh again - because the difference between your limited "ego" self and your "true" Self is so ridiculous. Once you have traveled the path and obtained wisdom and understanding - you will know precisely what to do with yourself and you will proceed to do it. If you are brave enough to hang on to your dream for yourself - it will manifest as your subconscious makes the necessary physical changes during your "sleep" state - while your waking mind is out of the way. Become neutral - flow with what pulls you - give your inner, secret goal some attention every single day and your mind will respond as you continue to repeat your desires for happiness and joy.

Grown up emotions, capable of intelligent love and compassion as the self begins to merge with the other. Passions that are intricately and harmoniously woven into the overall fabric of the lifestyle and life's purpose. Floodgates to work in concert with the ebb and flow of the Moon's attractiveness. Your mature emotions help equip you for the journey of your expanded sense of Self, the Self that has begun to feel as one with its environment and nature, the Self that will feel the larger joys and larger pains brought to it by its larger heart. This can indicate a sense of emotional mission. A dedicated humanitarian. Altruism. The Moon is the cool, silver, reflective mirror of the Sun. It gives us the ability to see ourselves and our effect on the selves of others. Here are the inner goals to match the outer goals shown by the Star. The person who has deep compassion is not going to be bothered whether he tells a lie or the truth. All Buddhist have lied - they have to because they are so compassionate. The whole truth will be too much.

Questions to Answer: What do your fears represent to you? What have you forgotten? What do you instinctively want to do? What kind of cycle or pattern are you repeating? Are your actions appropriate to this particular situation or are you responding to some past situation? What is bewildering or confusing you? What is real and what is illusion?

My Solar Return Birthday Reading: 12 Card Spread

This Reading took place on my Solar Return, March 12. It is the Horoscope Spread, using the 12 Houses of the Birth Chart to outline what's happening. I won't give a breakdown of the 12 houses (for your interest you can find this under a search engine, under the 12 houses of astrology).
it's a Spread you may find useful yourself. This is a map so I can outline how the next 12 months may be and what challenges, themes and symbols may present themselves, and, so I can look back and see my progress.

March 12 2007 - March 12 2008

Card 1: First House: 6 Wands
Six is a number of balance, peace and harmony which bodes well. Wands are fire, energy, initiation, action. So this would signify balance action. The guy sits upright on his horse, alert, watchful. There may be movement, there's certainly success (laurel wreath). Completion. Conquest. He's a warrior (helmet) and bears no scars that we can tell. maybe he claimed (or restored) peace? There's satisfaction here. In the First House it shows a strong constitution. Resolve to succeed and keep on progressing. Willingness to do battle. Standing strong. Letting myself be carried yet being firm in my resolve. Celebrating success. Realizing there is only so much success in any battle, because battles create division and one side must lose. Is that win-win? Personal success guaranteed, and hopefully personal fulfillment will be considered part of that success.

having your day in the sun
being vindicated
walking away with the prize
prevailing against all comers
coming out on top
achieving success

receiving acclaim
being acknowledged
getting a pat on the back
receiving an award or citation
getting praise or a compliment
earning applause
achieving recognition

feeling pride
enjoying healthy self-esteem
strutting your stuff
holding your head up high
feeling worthy of notice
having a high opinion of yourself
putting yourself above others
being arrogant
feeling self-important
Six of Wands - Victory - have faith, good news is coming and you can win all that you hold dear. You are going to succeed if you will just keep trying. Trust yourself - be confident that you have been given the abilities and opportunities to realize your goals and dreams. Relax and concentrate on the task at hand - you will succeed. Your relationships will get better and you will know victory of the will over the physical world - the ability to change destiny and thoughts.

Success comes from working with others to achieve a goal. You will experience the settlement of difficulties and disputes - you have the ability to persuade, influence and counsel and from your struggle to develop your ideas there will emerge a dominant theme and a leader. Trust your instincts and intuitions - not everyone or everything is trustworthy. Approach everything in a state of open trust. You will "feel" when something is not right - trust that.

A leader can accomplish nothing without the support and backing of followers - relationships must be reciprocal if they are to succeed. You gain your self-confidence and pride from creatively solving a problem and when your work is recognized, you feel elevated above those around you. Never allow this "pride" to get in the way of your success - it will upset and delay goals and cause you to forget where you came from and those who helped you get where you are. Recognize this opposition - know that you have the wisdom to overcome it. In making your choices, consider whether you act out of love, which takes you to freedom through understanding or out of fear which takes you to guilt and bondage. When you have skills or influence that can assist others, you have a responsibility to be of service to them, using your abilities to bring victory to all concerned.

Shift your emphasis from your problems to your joys - from defensiveness to optimism - become unified with the spirit. Trust your love, your light, your beauty and your richness. Assume victory and your optimism will produce the very success it desires and expects. It requires only a true belief in yourself to find the energy to accomplish what you want and such a belief will inspire others to follow you. Believe in life and give that gift to those around you. Live and let live and everything will work out for the best.

Here are spiritual movement and externalization. A sense of mission. As with the other Sixes there is a noticeable shift of emphasis from the self as a very independent self, albeit on the spiritual path, to a sense of self that fundamentally includes others, and is included by others. Your individual path recognizes its parallel group path. Two-way communication is vital, as you balance spiritual give and take. Helen Keller, blind and deaf from the age of two, by overcoming her disabilities, was able to convey to us how truly alone we are when we cannot share our thoughts or feelings. Your ability to share is intrinsic to your knowledge of God. Ironically, you can come to know God more quickly, with a sense of the other, through the other, than through the self. The information you need for your path will come more quickly now as you have access to the additional sources of others with which you have joined. Evidence of progress is seen in the appreciation by others, and the effects of your good example and reaching. Further evidence is offered by: Spiritual recognition. Moral victories. Promotions. Rewards. Credit for something done right. There is a need to pause for recognition and to accept energy from others, or to offer recognition and energy to others. Goals and progress are validated.

Questions to Answer: What positions of leadership and responsibility have you taken on? What is your relationship with your fellow workers? What has been resolved through your actions? What do you feel confident about? What kind of leadership do others need from you?

March 27: Ten of Pentacles

The Wealth Card.

Funny, since I've been focusing and manifesting a lot more abundance in my life. Money. Business. Goods. Nice things. Comfort. Enjoyment. All the things of the earthy Pentacles Suit. Or Coins as they are also known.

The Ten of pentacles was the card J and I drew as a map to show where we'd be moving and how it would all wind up, as far as living conditions go. We saw it as a secure place, the two of us together.

Tonight I drew it after an interesting day or twists and turns and here we go - a reminder of the long run of the path. Are we walled up together, or secure in our own individualities, yet part of a 'together' thing. As a free spirit I often wonder why I'm in a relationship but I remember that limits create freedom, and a relationship is a backdrop, a mirror in which we see ourselves.

Friday, December 08, 2006

What Card Are You?

You are The Magician

Skill, wisdom, adaptation. Craft, cunning, depending on dignity.

Eleoquent and charismatic both verbally and in writing,
you are clever, witty, inventive and persuasive.

The Magician is the male power of creation, creation by willpower and desire. In that ancient sense, it is the ability to make things so just by speaking them aloud. Reflecting this is the fact that the Magician is represented by Mercury. He represents the gift of tongues, a smooth talker, a salesman. Also clever with the slight of hand and a medicine man - either a real doctor or someone trying to sell you snake oil.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Dec 7: New Deck Arrived

I am so happy with my new deck - beautiful images and colors that I know will help me dive even deeper into the Tarot. I'm excited to use these cards now, and will continue to use these images on specific questions.

I asked about my current home situation and why I have consistently had to battle unreasonable noise, disturbances and distractions around my home space by people being disrespectful.

Why is this happening? 6 of Swords reversed.

What am I meant to learn from this? 4 of Pentacles.

The 6 of swords is passage, but reversed I think it's a passage back to retracing old steps and conflicts with the family chain, that I had to relive to relieve. A true cleansing and a 'you can'ty go home again but you can certainly clean up what happened there, in your present' situation.

I learn the 4 of Pentacles message of ownership, of holding onto what is rightfully mine (respect, peace, quiet etc). And of enforcing power, boundaries and control of my physical space. The 4 of pentacles is like the 4 walls of the home. Strong. Secure. Security found in dealing with these issues reinforces my concept of self-worth self-satisfaction and self-love.

More soon, with the new deck!

Dec 7 : New Deck Arriving

I was recently drawn to the Morgan-Freer Deck and I will be continuing my Journey using this Deck and will get back on track of using the deck to further my understanding of my Path.