Wednesday, May 31, 2006

June 6: Nine of Cups (Reversed)

The Nine of Cups is often referred to as the Wish Card. It relates to the end of one emotional state (9s are endings) in prep for another. It's a card of contentment, pleasure and enjoyment, on the emotional level.

Since this is my first visit back to the journal in a while this is a short entry.


I recall on this day, I was not as content as I could be but i did have a chance to release old emotions, which would be fitting for the 9 symbolism. Perhaps we'll come back to this one at a later date for more information.

I will vow to be more daily with this journal!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

May 30: Six of Cups

The Six of Cups is 'Pleasure'.

As 6 is the number of balance, peace and harmony and cups are emotions, this card reflects a deep emotional state of contentment and comfort. The copper cups are healing energy and the snakes within reflect the symbolism of this card which is the Sun in Scorpio - passionate depths, karmic attachments and pleasure (the name of the card).

The cards are arranged in a way that evokes the feeling of lightness, laughter, fun and that 'all is right in the world'. This card always makes me laugh, I don't know why, thats the feeling it evokes.

Traditionally it relates to memory, things from the past, childhood, so that would make a lot of sense in how this card is represented in layout, color and general 'vibe'.

The 'feel good factor' of the card came into play during the day but at two key points - hanging out with my Aries buddy (from the past) and talks of the past, to spending time with my Scorpio partner and talking about past relationships, days of youth and then a sense of peace and floating contentment that comes when you get into a depth conversation (scorpio depth) and then feel that everything is right and as it should be.

I think the main message of this card is that if you are willing to move through emotional loss and shifts (5 of cups the previous card in the deck) you can find Emtional Contentment = not exactly peace as it were really, but a space to feel at home inside of yourself.

May 29. Emperor (reversed)

The Emperor is the sign of Aries.

This card is RED - the color of Aries, the Ram and we see Rams marking this symbol. The Emperor represents the masculine side of ourselves, the drive, ambition and courage. it is aggression, pure energy and force applied to everyday life.

The Emperor relates to executive positions, being a leader, and taking control. He is lord over his domain, and holds the symbol of power in his hands. His shield represents the 'lamb' side of Aries - the peaceful side to such a warrior-like sign.

Fire power - this sign is almost aflame. Intense heat, and force is felt here, by tempered by a grounded force. It is Energy Applied with Will. He sits in the position of the number 4 - which is the number of this card - structure and strength and purpose.


An interesting card when I see the events of the day - I ended up meeting a very old friend from 4 yrs ago it turns out (theres the 4) and he was an Aries! Funny stuff. As Venus was finishing its transit through Aries (and in my own natal chart it is within Aries) it was funny to meet up with an old 'fling' as it were - Venus is relationships. In my 5th House of fun it was very appropriate.

This card was mirrored in the HOT day (first one Ive felt in LA since i moved back here in January!). So the Fire power is reflected there. But mostly I see the reversed as a meeting from the past with an Aries man who turned my life upside down for a day. He drove me around the Hollywood sign and the Griffith park Observatory and it was nice to get out and about. it was a spontaneous day but I felt very grounded. Ha - what a symbol to get, it was a purely Arian day, carefree, and a reminder of my inner child which I had forgotten about a little - the peaceful lamb I was, coupled with a strong Aries ally.

Oh we even talked about OLD EMPERORS - lord of their world, kings of men as he is working on a book about history. The idea of overthrowing kings and what they do to remain on the throne. Here is that symbol too. I guess the theme of the day for me was the aries childlike simplicity and the idea of being lord over yourself. The true Arian message.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

May 24: The Magus (Reversed)

The Magus (also known as the Magician) relates to Mercury/Hermes and the function of Communication.

Here we have the winged shoes of Mercury, the messenger of the Gods - who was alway zipping here and there (notice the lines of commuication in the background). The Magus here commands his world and the tools of his trade are here: writing, speaking, thinking, sharing - these are his ways and means. What does he convey? Who knows. Is it truth? Who knows. Only himself I presume.

Since this card was reversed I wondered how communication would go today - and it wasn't tangled up or negative per se, but there was a look back to the past. The publisher interested in my work contacted me to say she wanted to know my progress (yet had forgotten I had sent her my proposal and samples a month ago...) I was in negotiations today which was a little difficult but the Writing aspect of this card was very evident. Reversed I think relates to the emails passed back and forth and the misunderstanding and the miscontruing and assumptions made that were inaccurate - therefore the Magus reversed may simply mean here - facts aren't correct, so double check to be sure.

I was pleased to see the appearance of this card now, since I relate to the role of Messenger, Writer and Communicator. I did have reservations on the way others communicated today (arrogance, conceit and rudeness) but these are lessons in my own journey as a communicator so I embrace them. Frame of mind is everything.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

May 23: Two of Disks

The Two of Disks is 'Change'.

Things are cyclic in life, and the snake eating its own tail is a sign of eternity. Maintaining a balance and equilibrium while allowing the ebb and flow in the material world is essential and the Yn Yang of this card along wit the elements in harmony, show that we need to keep an awareness of structure (disks) in order to grow (jupiter in capricorn).

Today was a calm day and I certainly felt the need for regain some measure of balance in my life. I am setting myself up for more material gain by working on some new business plans, weighing up options and seeing what needs to be changed. A simple reflection of todays card.

May 21: Evening: Three of Cups

The Three of Cups is 'Abundance'.

I always see this as the party card - happiness, fun, three cups overflowing with joy - shared in good company (this is Mercury in Cancer, sharing emotional energy and a connect of the heart and mind with people we care about).

Let the Good Time roll! I see laughter and bubbling energy here, and growth through sharing of emotional energy as seen in the pomegranate cups.


I actually went out for drinks (cups) tonight first time in a while, it was karaoke and I met up with an old friend and even an ex (cancer rising, so the Merc in Cancer was represented here by a dialogue with them). It was nice to have a heart-to-heart with an old friend (cancer is the past). Drinks flowed, laughter and singing. A true signature of the Three of Cups it seems. But no, I only had two drinks - I actually knocked half of my second fuzzy navel over - Pisces really can't take their drink!

On an astrological note the Moon was in Pisces today - I woke up to quite a few quick succession synchronicities - from knowing the weather b4 i awoke, to eating chips with jeramie (who bought a packed just before I woke up and whom i ended up sharing with him (we rarely eat chips) and then a few others I am forgettign - ah yes, a dream about the word 'freeloader' then turning to the exact page in the ET 101 book that mentioned freeloaders.

Moon in Pisces is a psychic time - when I was out drinking with friends last night, I ended up coming home witha nice little buzz, and it was raining. Singing, Drinking, Raining. Such a Pisces Moon Night - and seen in the Three of Cups card which can even represent the weather.

great to see how these Tarot cards manifest in the physical dimension. If cups are feelings - the three of cups was a three-feeling - fun, joy, abundance, laughter and a great time.

Friday, May 19, 2006

May 19: Princess of Wands (Reversed)

The Princess of Wands is the Free Spirit.

The card is littered with Aries references - the headset, the Rams, the fire and passion of adventure. She is naive but she doesn't care. This care represents the carefree nature of the childlike spirit, but also the courage to take a chance. She has no fear - the tiger is being dragged by the tail, she knows what fear is but it doesn't hold her back.

We can only reach out and experience new things if we are fearless and open. The Princess of Wands is this open spirit - the call to adventure (will we follow or will fear hold us back?)

Today i actually ended up ina conversation about just this - fear and how I try in my life now to life based on my feelings and not overanalyze. Since the card was reversed I guess the tiger of fear is paramount now and on top of the Princess - so this was a big thought on how to reverse the fear in life and break free.
I went out to visit an old friend and was out single and alone on the journey which was very representative of the Princess in the Wand suit. Carefree, fun-loving and open to experience.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

May 18: The Ten of Disks

The Ten of Disks is 'Wealth'.

This is the final card of the DISK suit, relating to the physical world - money, bodies, jobs, chores, projects etc. Matter.

Finally at the 10 we arrive at manifestation, so this is a very grounded cars, something has been established and it's maxed out - was it successful? Value in means value out.

The coins relate to differing ways to achieve what we desire in manifesting reality - along with planetary symbols easily recognized - Mercury being the planet of the card and in Virgo the sign it co-rules (along with Gemini) which suggests manifestation first comes from the mind/mind's eye and then manifested in physical reality (Virgo).

This card is called 'wealth' and of course the ultimate wealth is spiritual (you can't take it with you when it's gone in the material world) but also shows the enjoyment on the physical plane of earth reality and its fruits.


One noticeable manifestation of this card, which I don't see as obviously related but which I am drawn to mention was knocking over the metal plant stand and having soil covering the kitchen floor - the coins show the plates, pots and soil covering the ground (and you can't get more earthy than that).

Today didn't have major money issues but the topic of self-worth came up and self-respect - valuing yourself highly and I think this is a mirror of the card - being totally at home in the physical. Mercury in Virgo is to find something you truly care about, a service or project (Virgo) you can focus on and give your awareness and mind to (Mercury) and thus achieve something solid and lasting in life.

Details, mess, and just letting things fall into place (once you know what the details are) were themes today - as I sit with soil at my feet and not caring, I'll clean it up tomorrow.
Another theme that jumps to mind was a character on Seinfeld - 'you were acting as though your body were a theme park'.

Maybe it truly is, since we got a seasonal pass to occupy a body in this realm of physical experience. The Wealth cards represent just that gift. And the mess that comes with it. Yee-aa!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

May 17 : Seven of Cups (Reversed)

The Seven of Cups of 'Debauch'.

The water of emotions has become stagnant, something's not working. Overindulgence sets in, and too much of a good thing can turn one sickly. Something sticky need untangling from.

The energy of this card is pretty obvious from first glance but the meaning goes deeper. The love (Venus) of depth, intrigue and taboos (Scorpio) can take over if we're not careful, and base instincts become our major value or love (Venus).

An emotional clearing or cleaning needs to take place with this card - are we suppressing something by indulging in sex, music, TV, sleep, food, sugar, smoking, drugs - there are many ways t overindulge.

I see this as the fantasy card too - it's not to do with reality - the emotions are all over the place - this is the hangover card, the feeling of floating and having no grounding. Possibilities exist but it's pie-in-the-sky and nothing grounded, no roots and nothing to hang your hat on.


Today wasn't an overindulgence day, though my focus on sexual energy was time-consuming and wasteful in many ways (what's new there - since my Lower Chakra seems to spin with a fierce abandon these days...without me even wearing red..) Yes I ate chocolate but not an amazing amount, but I guess mostly it was a drifty, dreamy day and not much grounding.
I tried the gym but i ended up changing the routine because I overdid it (i guess overextension fits the message of the card). Venus in Scorpio - I did enjoy a heart to heart and a depth conversation with my partner on sexual energy and re-channeling energy, moving energy which would be Scorpio related. All in all I see an emotional and physical cleansing and cleaning in the works, I guess this card allowed me to take a time out, and to go to the gym, do two machines and then say 'screw it, this isn't working, let's flow on elsewhere' and leave.
All in all, a low-key drifting day, a dreamy quality very like the symbol. Perhaps I'll understand more of the reversed relevance in time.
As for the 'sick' aspect to this card - the cats vomited twice on the carpet today - someone once mentioned the 'vomit' feel to this card, so this made me smile.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

May 16: The Star (Reversed)

The Star is a beautiful card. So serene, peaceful. It's a place I love to go sometimes, because it's off this noisy planet and it's soothing.
I love the gracefulness of this card.

The Star relates to Aquarius so a detached perspective is important. It often means humanitarian ideals, or new concepts passed on to others or the planet, a cause outside of yourself. It is intergalactic, inter-dimensional, the antithesis of personal issues. This figure pours her knowledge forth, and is recharged by the cosmos itself.

Lines of communication are flowing, her two cups are a passage of energy - Aquarius symbol relates to the same, telepathic waves, magnetic rays, internet cables, phone lines and so forth.

The Bigger Picture is seen in this card - the figure and their place on the planet as a whole, or in the sphere of their own life comes into focus. She is by no means small in this picture, she is an integral part of everything - connected, offering, allowing, and sharing in the give and take of lifes energy flow. Beautiful.

Since this card was reversed I see the cups being filled up with galactic information and knowledge which is interesting considering today I listened to some radio broadcasts online regarding aliens, earth plans and cosmic knowledge. How appropriate for the image on the card.
I went on a mission to buy more juice (flow of liquid into the cups) and had an early night (rest, relaxation). All in all was a soothing day.

May 14: Hierophant (Reversed)

The Hierophant is the first Major Card I've pulled so far. Looking at him, he represents a man of authority, who holds the 'keys' to something. He's wise - this card represents knowledge but also a structure and a set of 'rules' to obey.
There is so much structure to this card - take a look at the Taurus Bulls that litter the symbolism, this is the card relating to Taurus - the sign of building, security, roots, practicality. The color brown reinforces this.

There is a sort of quiet power in this card. If you want to get ahead, you need to go through a rite of passage. Certain behavior opens certain doors.

The figure could represent a doctor, lawyer, a priest, a counselor, or someone who has a vast understanding of a specific field. It could show you need to undergo an initiation of sorts. Perhaps you're seeking some specific answer to a question you have.

Today, I actually made a new connection - a man who was a wine collector and specialist so the understanding and knowledge was clearly reflected in this man's abilities. I experienced the Taurus side by getting back to Nature today - he drove us into the wilds of Los Angeles, passing horses (Moon was in Sag today, sign of horses) and into nature to graize a while.

We shared many conversations passing back and forth knowledge we both have and I see today this card represents not only the TEACHER but also the student. His Gemini Moon and my Sag moon of course reflected these polarities. Being a comfy day I was back in my body and more calm and grounded than usual, a clear reflectionof the Taurus energy within this card.

Since the card was reversed we both ended up taking about the 'rules' that others follow that aren't healthy or useful anymore. We talked about going against traditonal roots (reversed hierophant would demonstrate this clearly) and the fact he was an Aquarian and I have an Aquarius Mars backs this up). So this card reversed can often suggest going against how things have been done for years - even your own traditions and rules and following what your body mind and spirit are saying instead.

Breaking with tradition, history and the status quo may be what this card represents in its reversed position.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

May 13: The Seven of Swords

The Seven of Swords is 'Futility'.

As Swords are mental states, here we feel put upon, our main ideas (central sword) attacked/contradicted/hounded/teased? by other small thoughts or ideas. Which will win out? Is the central thought correct? Is the central thought actually attracting the other thoughts?

I see this card as a 'magnet' - thoughts have wings and one main thought held strongly and long enough in the mind, can manifest as other thoughts that are "variations on a theme".

The card also shows the feelings of being hemmed in a specific thought - 'i should, but what if, I can't, but what then'. If you step out of one thought you have a whole host of other ones to contend with. Is it safer being stuck with the uncomfortable?

In traditional interpretations the 7 of Swords relates to thievery, lies, mental strategy and game-playing. I think whatever the case, it's all in the head as usual with swords, and the mental state is the main consideration here - if you're dishonest inside, you can hardly meet with honesty and integrity outside of yourself, right?

Perhaps futility is the name given here because no matter what one thinks, it's not the peace of the 6 of swords and a mind in a state of unrest begins to play games with itself and distract itself with 'niggling worries' to take away from its main pain.

Today started well but did deteriorate, with 'niggling worries'. I had to tell a white lie (of course i say i HAD to, but that's not true since there's always a choice. But the 'what if, should i, what then' began to draw other thoughts and problems in - my partner began to throw questions at me and ended up playing the cards energy out, instead of me! His line of questioning (the swords became the jury) made me feel il at ease - but only reflected my own questioning of myself - why question your own integrity if you make decisions based on how you feel?

Feelings and emotions are tricky to balance I see, so the Seven of Swords shows this lack of ease within ones own head. The seven of swords begins the analysing we're to see within the 8 of swords when it becomes too much for the head.

Seven is introspection but I think when it becomes too inner-directed (which is what our conversations were about today) we can begin to target ourselves and fall into victim patterns (the feeling of being robbed by ourselves of peace of mind).

I think it's good to ask with all swords suits - how can I get back to the Ace of Swords, and find peace of mind? What am I doing with my own mental energy that is causing the tension I see within the card?

So I learned today about the power of the mind and how one choice, if not taken boldly, turns you into the figure in the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck (he's sneaking away) and you become someone who sneaks around because you don't feel you can stand behind the choice or thought you have decided upon.

If you think it, it is valid.
If you feel it, it is valid.

I think in our race to be accepted, and understood, we end up leaving ourselves wide open to being questioned by ourselves and then others.

mental invasion of negative thoughts is a choice. I think the Seven of Swords today represented standing firm by my thoughts and choices. Decisions are personal and can only be judged (if at all) by the person making them. Outside sources become the other swords - a source of annoyance and distraction that drains our mental batteries.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

May 12: Three of Swords (reversed)

The Three of Swords is Sorrow.

As swords cards represents mental states, this card of the day represents the mind focusing on things that aren't right, aren't happy and aren't at peace. Saturn (restriction) is in Libra (harmony, peace) so there's a test here and it relates back to what mental images and ideas are held in the mind.


As the day unfolded I received an email from someone who had caused me anguish in the past. After a few emails allowing me to express how I felt to the person, it allowed for at least a temporary release of energy, but the more I looked at the relation of the days events to the Tarot card chosen for the day, I came to the conclusion that sometimes there is no resolution for things that have happened. The more we dwell and focus on the 'bad' stuff the more our mind plays it over, until it becomes engrained in our psyche.

The 3 of swords is a "memory" card according to what I experienced today - where we are in the PRESENT is our only control and power over what has happened in the "past" - (is it really i the past if we're harping on about it now, here, today).

So today was an eye-opener as I began to see how our minds holds us prisoner to people and events that have caused us harm and that, in reality, no one can harm us but our own minds and interpretations of events.

The card waes REVERSED which I see meant I could finally untangle from the cards meaning and come out with more of an awareness of what my mind was doing, and how it was feeding past problems.

Sorrow is sorrow, when things have soured, there is often nothing to do but to communicate it, and then move on - mentally, first. All else comes after your mind is freed.

NOTE: In the end, I received a total of 3 emails (3 of swords) from this person, (someone I used to share a lot of time with (Saturn in LIBRA) and I see swords cards can relate to the mind but also communications and messages.

Friday, May 12, 2006

May 11: Art (Reversed)

Art represents a synthesis of many things, combined to create something new. So for this as the card of my day I was excited about the possibilties. Like Sagittarius, the card it represents, we go beyond what we are by incorporating new elements and reaching further afield.

Today I finalized plans for my new column in a magazine over in the Costa Del Sol (Sagittarius relates to overseas) but the most striking reflection of the card is found in two processes I was involved in today - look at the card and you can see it - I baked a loaf of bread and made a lemon pound cake today! Alchemy of yesterday is the cooking of today - I didn't have enough oil so I used some cinnamon honey and it came out really cool. The 9 grain loaf however didn't rise as well as expected (but was still tasty with blackberry jam) but the symbol is that ingredients all have a purpose, and when combined create something larger.

The Bigger Picture card, that's how I see this card: the Art of taking what you have, and making something bigger and better out of it.

NOTE: The card was reversed which I think was reflected in the bread not rising as high as I anticipated. There may be other signs from the day, but this is what i see as standing out the most.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

May 10: 5 of Disks (Reversed)

This card is called Worry which doesn't strike you me a very friendly or happy-go-lucky card, but since the card is reversed I wonder if it represents the shadow side of what the card traditionally represents.

Here we have the upright pentacle as opposed to the upside down (when the card is upright). So, the energies of earth are being unleashed and put to use.

This card is Mercury in Taurus - showing that the mind is on material matters, but since the card is reversed, there are higher aspirations than just the mundane. The concern is material, yes, but the vision is higher.

Today wasn't a worrying day as I anticipated. I did have to do some financial negotiations, pay a bill I thought was taken care of, but I spent a vast amount of time working on the website and other detailed work, and I was feeling actually very grounded and ended up sleeping well through the evening into the early hours.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Card of this Blog/Journey

The first card, drawn to represent this Blog and this Journey is the KNIGHT OF WANDS.

What better card than this to show the ACTION, the ADVENTURE. Let the journey begin!

The call to adventure has been sounded. The knight is ready for anything. He's holding the torch of knowledge to burn away obstacles and ignorance in his path and also to light the hidden corners of his world.

What a great card. This blog will be fun, adventurous, passionate and full of Fire and I'm sure it'll progress pretty fast. So this is a great start, and I'm happy!

Wands are initiative and Knights are the full flavor of this suit.

Welcome to My Journey

Wed May 10 2006 1.38am

I have just created this, my new baby and project, something a little more fun and personal for myself to coincide with my professional Astrological studies and practice as the two go hand in hand, and well, it's a lot of fun to play with Tarot cards, isn't it? I think so.

This will become my very own personal Daily Tarot Journal to see the reflections and connections between the Tarot cards and my day to day journey through the rest of this interesting life on Planet Earth.

You're welcome to join in, share thoughts or just mosey on it, and see what is happening and perhaps learning something about the Tarot yourself in the process. Welcome.

I'll draw up the Astrology chart of this blog's inception of course, which will reveal its own mysteries and secrets but for now, let's concentrate on the task at hand.

I'll pull a Card every day and share my thoughts and experiences and we'll see what we create as we go along.

Here's to the Adventure!